Sudden Auto Shut Down while Watching Videos in Fullscreen Mode Acer Swift 3 (Model: SF314-51)

oliver_thk Member Posts: 8


edited November 2023 in 2019 Archives
Hi guys,

I am a user of Acer Swift 3 (Model: SF314-51). I had just updated my BIOS from v1.07 to v1.10 yesterday. I can 100% confirm that I downloaded the official and correct BIOS setup file from Acer website and the update completed successfully without any error. Since then, whenever i try to play videos online using [Fullscreen] mode, my computer will completely auto-shut down after few minutes. I have tried on Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, both are having the same problem. I tried to downgrade my BIOS back to v1.07 but the v1.07 setup file said that I can't downgrade the BIOS. Any solution, guys? I hope that Acer can immediately release a new BIOS update patch to fix this CRITICAL bug. For me, personally, I think this issue is related to either BIOS, GPU, or Flash Player. But I am sure that my Intel HD Graphics 620 driver is at the latest version ( and my Adobe Flash Player is at (, which is the latest as well. All my drivers are up-to-date, I checked them using Driver Booster 5 Pro and my Windows version is also the latest (Version 1709 Build 16299.192). I tried to play my offline videos via VLC player using [Fullscreen] mode, it works just fine without causing my laptop to shut down. This issue only happens when I play online videos including those from YouTube.

{ edited the title to add model name } 



  • oliver_thk
    oliver_thk Member Posts: 8


    Later, I found out that this problem persists even when I just browse a webpage using any web browser. The Qualcomm Network Adapter settings turn out to be the problem when I connect to 5Ghz Wi-Fi, I managed to fix it by enabling the Dual MIMO Power Save feature, setting the Preferred band as 5Ghz and Roaming Aggressiveness to Lowest in the driver advanced settings. Before that, as the default settings, that feature was disabled, preferred band was not set and roaming aggressiveness was set to medium. I think these settings cause the PC to become unstable and may bring power shortage problem to the computer, causing the computer to shut down unexpectedly.
  • Sharanji
    Sharanji ACE Posts: 4,623 Pathfinder
    Appreciate it! Thanks for posting the troubleshooting steps that you have done and glad to know the issue is resolved :)

    I hope this helps! If this was useful, please hit 'Yes' or 'Like'! Thanks! 😊

  • oliver_thk
    oliver_thk Member Posts: 8


    Actually the problem still persists. I tried the [View Reliability History] under [Maintenance] section in Control Panel and found out that there are 2 services that keep stopping, which are FubTracking [FubTool.exe] that stores in OEM\Preload\FubTool folder and ParameterService [ParameterService.exe] in System32\IntelSSTAPO\ParameterService folder. I have disabled the ParameterService via Services app but I can't disable the FubTracking as it is not present in the Services app. So, this means that this issue will happen again anytime, unexpectedly. I know that FubTool.exe is a legitimate service signed by Acer and the other service is from Intel. Therefore, I hoped that Acer/Intel/Microsoft will release an update for driver/firmware/BIOS/Windows Update ASAP. This issue is very CRITICAL and actions need to be taken seriously, thanks.
  • padgett
    padgett ACE Posts: 4,532 Pathfinder
    I'd try a third party software like HWMonitor or SpinDisk to monitor internal temperature, something may be overheating. Does part of the case feel hot when it happens ?
  • oliver_thk
    oliver_thk Member Posts: 8


    Nope, not at all. Besides it will happen as soon as i turn on the PC, launch the web and start browsing for a few minutes. It is not like I am using my PC for several hours alrdy or after doing heavy task, my PC never gets overheated during lightweight and normal usage.
  • oliver_thk
    oliver_thk Member Posts: 8


    The latest bios (v1.10) does carry a lot of bugs, making the system unstable. After I managed to downgrade my bios back to v1.07, everything becomes stable again and computer no longer shuts down unexpectedly.
  • markedisonkhu
    markedisonkhu Member Posts: 2 New User
    Hi! How did you downgraded your bios back to v1.07? I have the same issue as you have. My laptop randomly shuts down regardless of what I do. Can you share how did you downgraded your bios? Thank you!
  • oliver_thk
    oliver_thk Member Posts: 8


    Sure. Below is the instruction:

    1. Download the required BIOS setup file from official Acer Product Support website according to your model.
    2. Exract the setup file using 7-zip or Winrar.
    3. Go into the extracted folder and look for platform.ini file.
    4. Open platform.ini file with NotePad/any note editor.
    5. Press CTRL + F to find the required code >>> flag=1
    6. Press [Enter] to complete the search.
    7. Look for the one under 
    [Bios_Version_Check] (*There might be several "flag=1" codes in that file)
    8. Replace the code with flag=0 (flag=1 ---> flag=0)
    9. Save the file by pressing CTRL + S and exit the file.
    10. Go back to the extracted folder directory and look for xxx.fd file. (*Different BIOS setup file might have different name, but all of them should end with .fd extension, eg: ZRQ.fd)
    11. Make sure to exit all the other applications before you open the file.
    12. Open the xxx.fd file, and you may continue your BIOS downgrade process from there. (*There should be NO BIOS version checking to interrupt the downgrade process anymore)
  • markedisonkhu
    markedisonkhu Member Posts: 2 New User
    Thank you oliver_thk! I was able to downgrade my bios version from 1.10 to 1.08. I'll observe if this really solved my concern regarding auto shutdown. I hope Acer would apply the patch immediately.

    Thank you! God bless
  • kuokka
    kuokka Member Posts: 3 New User
    I have used the BIOS 1.10 for about a month now. Sudden shutdown two times. I hope Acer would release a new BIOS version soon...
  • rikiko
    rikiko Member Posts: 10


    Hi guys, I'm trying to download the bios from 1.10 to 1.09 but in the folder I have two *.fd files, one is M3.fd the other one is M3 SLK.fd. Now, Which file should I have to use?

  • rikiko
    rikiko Member Posts: 10


    Hi guys, just an update about this issue. I followed the instruction to downgrade the bios and it was ok until to the point 8 - Replace the code with flag=0 (flag=1 ---> flag=0).
    After saving the paltform.ini file I lunched the H2OFFT-W.exe file and I was able to downgrade the bios from 1.10 to 1.09.
    No need to modify or do something with xxx.fd files.

  • Gravyb
    Gravyb Member Posts: 8 New User
    Sure. Below is the instruction:

    1. Download the required BIOS setup file from official Acer Product Support website according to your model.
    2. Exract the setup file using 7-zip or Winrar.
    3. Go into the extracted folder and look for platform.ini file.
    4. Open platform.ini file with NotePad/any note editor.
    5. Press CTRL + F to find the required code >>> flag=1
    6. Press [Enter] to complete the search.
    7. Look for the one under 
    [Bios_Version_Check] (*There might be several "flag=1" codes in that file)
    8. Replace the code with flag=0 (flag=1 ---> flag=0)
    9. Save the file by pressing CTRL + S and exit the file.
    10. Go back to the extracted folder directory and look for xxx.fd file. (*Different BIOS setup file might have different name, but all of them should end with .fd extension, eg: ZRQ.fd)
    11. Make sure to exit all the other applications before you open the file.
    12. Open the xxx.fd file, and you may continue your BIOS downgrade process from there. (*There should be NO BIOS version checking to interrupt the downgrade process anymore)
    I couldn't figure out what app to *open* the .fd file with, but running H2OFFT-W.exe worked!

  • Manlyrough
    Manlyrough Member Posts: 3 New User
    Sure. Below is the instruction:

    1. Download the required BIOS setup file from official Acer Product Support website according to your model.
    2. Exract the setup file using 7-zip or Winrar.
    3. Go into the extracted folder and look for platform.ini file.
    4. Open platform.ini file with NotePad/any note editor.
    5. Press CTRL + F to find the required code >>> flag=1
    6. Press [Enter] to complete the search.
    7. Look for the one under [Bios_Version_Check] (*There might be several "flag=1" codes in that file)
    8. Replace the code with flag=0 (flag=1 ---> flag=0)
    9. Save the file by pressing CTRL + S and exit the file.
    10. Go back to the extracted folder directory and look for xxx.fd file. (*Different BIOS setup file might have different name, but all of them should end with .fd extension, eg: ZRQ.fd)
    11. Make sure to exit all the other applications before you open the file.
    12. Open the xxx.fd file, and you may continue your BIOS downgrade process from there. (*There should be NO BIOS version checking to interrupt the downgrade process anymore)

    Sure. Below is the instruction:

    1. Download the required BIOS setup file from official Acer Product Support website according to your model.
    2. Exract the setup file using 7-zip or Winrar.
    3. Go into the extracted folder and look for platform.ini file.
    4. Open platform.ini file with NotePad/any note editor.
    5. Press CTRL + F to find the required code >>> flag=1
    6. Press [Enter] to complete the search.
    7. Look for the one under [Bios_Version_Check] (*There might be several "flag=1" codes in that file)
    8. Replace the code with flag=0 (flag=1 ---> flag=0)
    9. Save the file by pressing CTRL + S and exit the file.
    10. Go back to the extracted folder directory and look for xxx.fd file. (*Different BIOS setup file might have different name, but all of them should end with .fd extension, eg: ZRQ.fd)
    11. Make sure to exit all the other applications before you open the file.
    12. Open the xxx.fd file, and you may continue your BIOS downgrade process from there. (*There should be NO BIOS version checking to interrupt the downgrade process anymore)
    I cant find platform.ini

    Thanks in advance

    Acer switch one sw1-011
  • RiderCurious
    RiderCurious Member Posts: 39 Enthusiast WiFi Icon
    H2OFFT-W.exe is for INSYDE bios.. what to do in case of American Megatrends Inc? Winrar or 7-Zip doesn't help here
    Model SF315-52-52YN

    how do i change an email registered for this account ? or better let me quit this*** site! ****

    [ Signature edited to remove inappropriate or personal content]
  • RiderCurious
    RiderCurious Member Posts: 39 Enthusiast WiFi Icon
    I could use AfuWin but not sure I can convert a *.fd into *.bin , *.cap or *.rom at the moment
    how do i change an email registered for this account ? or better let me quit this*** site! ****

    [ Signature edited to remove inappropriate or personal content]