On my acer aspire vx-15 why my left speaker suddenly stoped working?

Muhaimen Member Posts: 1 New User
edited November 2023 in 2018 Archives
It's been one month since I'm using my new laptop acer aspire vx-15.Recently my left speaker stooped working suddenly?
Why did this happen? 
And can anybody tell me how I can fix this problem? 


  • ven98
    ven98 ACE Posts: 4,073 Pathfinder
    You can reset the battery at first. In this link it is shown how: https://us.answers.acer.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/34843/~/acer-internal-battery-reset

    Always post the following characterisitcs of the device:
    -Model number
    -Part number(not required, but helpful)
    -Operating system

    Helios 300 and Nitro 5 users DO NOT update the BIOS to version 1.22 if you don't want the keyboard's backlight to turn off after 30 seconds even when the device is plugged in.

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  • Yoandys
    Yoandys Member Posts: 3 New User
    posiblemente cambiaste la configuración de estereo a mono , o si quieres puedes abrir la lactop es muy facil y verifica el conector del altavoz , esta a la vista sin complicaciones solo es abrir y mirar no tienes que desconectar nada 
  • Yoandys
    Yoandys Member Posts: 3 New User
    verifica que la configuracion esta en estereo 
  • DanielleODonovan
    DanielleODonovan Member Posts: 1 New User
    The same thing happened to mine too except on it was my right speaker, I was born in the 80's and grew up with clunky electronics all through the 90's and sometimes when something isn't working properly  a simple whack with your hand does the trick!  I gave my laptop a good smack on the chassis right above where the speaker is and VIOLA!  It started crackling and the speaker started working again!  Hit it about as hard as you would if you slapped a toddler's hand if, say, they were trying to put a fork or screwdriver into an electrical socket (saying "NO" while you do it is optional, though it might help you calibrate how much force to exert = D ).  Hope this works for you!  Oh FYI, I did it while it was in my lap, not on a solid surface so not having something solid beneath the chassis to absorb the smack may or may not make a difference.  Maybe it was just a continuity issue...