Acer Aspire E5 575G 53VG Battery Broken After Re-Applying Thermal Paste?

carlos-barker Member Posts: 5 New User
edited March 2023 in 2017 Archives

Hello everyone!


So my mom recently started complaining about her laptop shutting off a little while after she turned it on. I checked it out, and as I expected, the computer would turn on, get really hot in the bottom, fan spinning at 100% = computer turned off. So I disassembled it (it was already out of warranty) and reapplied thermal paste and now it works beautifully again. It doesn't turn off and it runs cool to the touch on the bottom. However, the battery now doesn't work. It was fine before, with only about 20% of degrading according to HWMonitor. When I reapplied the thermal paste I decided to unplug the battery and then start my procedure just to be safe. Once I was done replacing the thermal paste I plugged in the battery again and the computer wouldn't turn on. Plugged it in to AC power and it booted right up. As soon as you unplug the power though, it turns off. Windows does detect a battery that's charged to 100% and when I physically unplug the battery it says a battery isn't plugged in. One thing I did notice though is that now when I plug in the computer into AC power the battery led turns from orange to blue really quick, saying it's already charged. I don't use the laptop everyday since it's my mom's but I don't remember the battery LED changing that quick.


Did I damage the battery by unplugging it by any chance? What do you think happened? I'm very weirded out right now since the battery was working fine before I tried to "fix" the laptop...




  • ven98
    ven98 ACE Posts: 4,073 Pathfinder
    I think this just was a coincidence. The battery can't be damaged by simply unplugging it.
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    Helios 300 and Nitro 5 users DO NOT update the BIOS to version 1.22 if you don't want the keyboard's backlight to turn off after 30 seconds even when the device is plugged in.

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  • Murderator
    Murderator Member Posts: 2 New User

    Probably the cause of hot temp is the damaged battery itself. By removing it you are resetting the battery system. Now the laptop know the battery is unusable.

  • carlos-barker
    carlos-barker Member Posts: 5 New User

    Okay, so if it is the battery itself that is broken then where can I find a new one? I tried reaching Acer support but apparently I can't talk to them if the warranty is expired...

  • brummyfan2
    brummyfan2 ACE Posts: 28,726 Trailblazer


    Try a battery reset before you start thinking of buying a new battery, remove the AC adapter from the laptop and do the reset, after completion, leave the laptop to rest for 10-15 mins.

    If that doesn't work, you may have to buy the new battery, Part numbers:





  • carlos-barker
    carlos-barker Member Posts: 5 New User

    I did look at resetting the battery while troubleshooting, but I can't find a pin/something that does that or anything on the motherboard and there wasn't a hole for resetting anything on the bottom plastic bezel/frame. I ran a battery self-check using an Acer utility that came with the laptop (I can't remember the name, I think it was something like Acer Care Center, but I'm not home at the moment and I don't have the laptop so I'm going by everything I remember) and it passed the test. I also tried removing the CMOS battery from the motherboard for 10 minutes (I should've done 30 minutes, I know, but I was impatient) and when I turned it back on it did the same thing.


    So, how can I do a battery reset on the laptop? The battery is not even supposed to be user-removable since it's internal.



  • carlos-barker
    carlos-barker Member Posts: 5 New User


  • brummyfan2
    brummyfan2 ACE Posts: 28,726 Trailblazer


    The pinhole is at the back to do a battery reset, nevermind, you have already taken out the battery and CMOS battery, could you please check that you haven't overtighten any screws when you put it back together, check the RAM modules whether they are seated properly.

  • carlos-barker
    carlos-barker Member Posts: 5 New User

    Hey, I finally got the battery to work. Turns out I had to long press the power button, and don't ask me how I found out... Anyway the laptop is working fine now. It did seem very weird to me for the battery to just quit out of the blue right at this moment, but oh well at least it's working now. Thanks everyone!