Acer Aspire F 5-573G-72VR

binyameenaslam Member Posts: 10


edited March 2023 in 2017 Archives
I bought a new laptop about month ago. Now when i connect the charger it does not charging . The charging light is continuously blinking. I can not understand that why it happen.
I charge my laptop . After sometime i again connect the charger and the all this is happening frim that moment ..
Please guide me
WhT should i do??


  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,380 Trailblazer



    Have you tried this:


    1. Shut down your laptop

    2. Disconnect the AC adapter

    3. Wait few minutes

    4. Follow this procedure

    Note: The battery reset pinhole is marked with this symbol AC-BRP on the bottom of the laptop.

  • binyameenaslam
    binyameenaslam Member Posts: 10


    I do bettery reset. Now the bettery icon blinking is off but it is still not charging ..
  • binyameenaslam
    binyameenaslam Member Posts: 10


    I check the output voltage of adapter . It was 19v . I plugged in charger , light blinked once . I unpluged charger and again check the output voltage , now voltage is13V and is continuously decreasing until 0V
    How to repair charger . I have the warranty but there is no name of my country in list of country that appear in warranty repair tab!
    What can i do now?
  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,380 Trailblazer



    As your laptop is still under warranty, you could contact your Acer support by phone:

    If calling from outside UAE: 00971 4 8056400

    Here is the Acer service partner of your country:

    Saad Computer
    Postal Address: SA11, 2nd Floor, Techno City Mall, Hasrat Mohani Road, Karachi, 75650
    City: Karachi
    Telephone: Phone: 009221-32276741 – 2
  • binyameenaslam
    binyameenaslam Member Posts: 10


    Thank you very much for your help . I am really grateful to you.
    Actually i am really disappointed by Acer product .
    My friends have bought laptop . Two years and they have not used their warranty. Their laptops are runing in 100/100 condition.
    Here is my case . One month and now i have to is warranty.
    Thumbs down for acer
    Thumbs down for acer.....