VX15 VX5-591G with GTX 1050 Ti: Coil whine issues?

Klaus-at Member Posts: 2 New User
edited March 2023 in 2017 Archives

When running my VX5-591G under high load (e.g. Rise of the Tomb Raider, or Furmark) I hear a whining noise, that seems coupled to the speed of the GPU fan – so I am currently trying to figure out whether this is coil whine or a fan issue. The whining noise changes in loudness and frequency depending on fan speed and doesn't instantly follow GPU load (i.e. it remains while the GPU cools down after shutting down the benchmark / game), but even that doesn't necessarily means that it is the fan. 


For reference I have recorded the noise under load with my phone (which among other issues sadly makes the fan noise sound more irregular than it actually is). There is a whine at roughly 2 kHz (determined by comparing to onlinetonegenerator.com), which may however be unhearable from the file depending on your speakers. For reference I have also created a spectrogram of the sound file (made with Audacity):




So yes, there is a distinct peak at 2 kHz (the high loudness at low frequencies is misleading, as thehuman ear is much less sensitive to those frequencies, and because the logarithmic plot somewhat overemphasizes that range). However, not everyone seems to be even capable of hearing it over the background of the white noise of the fan and other office noises. In my quiet private room however, it can be a nerve-grating sound. 


Is anyone else experiencing the issue? The Laptop is still within Amazon's 30-day limit, but after fully configuring it I'd rather avoid sending it back, especially when there is no guarantee that another model will not have the problem, and when there are no alternatives available (all other available GTX1050 or better laptops seem to be (often significantly) louder). 


  • Klaus-at
    Klaus-at Member Posts: 2 New User

    When doing a test with Prime95 I was able to reproduce the whine much more clearly (sound file (wav)). 


    Under such load the fans are less loud overall, but this makes the whining sound stand out all the more, albeit at a slightly lower frequency. Sounds a lot like a fan issue. 


    VX15 Fan Noise (prime95, active preset).png