E5-573G missing 3D Video Controller (external graphic card) after BSOD on update

jacktequila Member Posts: 8 New User
edited August 2023 in 2018 Archives



I did a SSD upgrade on my Acer E50573G-58B7 and installed Windows 10 on it. Then I tried to install the last nvidia driver for GeForce 920M I faced a BSOD with the message "Driver Power State Failure". After that I was unable to install any driver for it and I noticed that my nvidia card was not listed on Device Manager.


I thought that the problem was due the Windows 10, and tried Windows 8 too, but without success, there is no "3D Video Controller" on  my Device Manager anymore.


There anything that I can do to check if my GeForce card still working? I'm afraid that it passed way.




  • jacktequila
    jacktequila Member Posts: 8 New User

    Hi @brummyfan2, thanks for the quick answer.


    Yes, I tried several versions of geforce driver, all them with the same result "This graphics driver could not find compatible graphics hardware" (see attached picture). This happen on both Windows 10 and Windows 8.1.




    One thing that is interesting is that now I'm running Windows 8.1 in Legacy BIOS boot mode, but this don't seems to be related to my problem, I just noticed that because in the link that you posted the author mention that its required a UEFI/EFI instalation. Makes sense?

  • jacktequila
    jacktequila Member Posts: 8 New User

    I found a similar problem on windows support forum.



    One of them is suggested to do a BIOS downgrade (I just remembered that I recently updated by BIOS to the last version, maybe its related). I'll give a try and post here the results.

  • IronFly
    IronFly ACE Posts: 18,413 Trailblazer

    Be aware that Legacy mode can arise hardware incompatibility issues and your issue looks like one of these.

    I'm not an Acer employee.
  • jacktequila
    jacktequila Member Posts: 8 New User

    @IronFly thanks for pointing this, I didn't know about that. I'll reinstall Windows 8.1 in UEFI here and try again. Let's see what happen

  • jacktequila
    jacktequila Member Posts: 8 New User

    I tried a new installation of UEFI Windows 8.1 and also did a BIOS downgrade to version 1.25 from 2015, the one that came when I bought this notebook. I used this link to downgrade and was succesful:



    Both didn't worked, my device manager still don't show my EGPU and I tried two driver installers from geforce and they didn't found the EGPU (the same problem as the picture that I sent previous).


    Do you guys know any way (logs, third parties apps, bare metal testing) to detect if my EGPU is still alive?

  • IronFly
    IronFly ACE Posts: 18,413 Trailblazer

    First try method 1:




    remember to install also the 3 applications listed on the Acer support website for your laptop under windows 8.1

    I'm not an Acer employee.
  • jacktequila
    jacktequila Member Posts: 8 New User

    I tried method 1 a few times and had no success. I also tried "Driver Easy" and did a few updates on my machine, but again, no success.


    I just did a test that showed me that this is a hardware problem. Luckly my previous HDD still have my original Windows instalation, with GeForce drivers and also GeForce Experience, which I could use to check if my EGPU was working. Result:



    (translating: "Was not possible to connect to NVIDIA - Try again later")


    Saddly, it didn't found my graphics card. And it isn't showing up on Device Manager too. So I can conclude that its a hardware failure, right?


    I still trying to figure out why a driver update on Windows 10 could cause this kind of problem...


    Anyway, now I'm trying to figure out what could be my next steps (before sending to a repair shop, as my warranty expired).

    I thought in:
    - Use GeForce forums to try to revivify my graphics card.

    - Search for a way to replace it, as maybe I can find a cheap 920m to sell

    - ??


    Thanks for all the help

  • IronFly
    IronFly ACE Posts: 18,413 Trailblazer

    try nvidia forums but i suspect an hardware issue too.


    About finding a 920m, you system has a soldered GPU and without the proper tools is not an easy task to do.

    I'm not an Acer employee.
  • Trukntigger
    Trukntigger Member Posts: 256 Mr. Fixit WiFi Icon

    Could try just removing heatsink fan and clean up and redo thermal paste.  Tighten back up.  Not saying that will fix it but like a old xbox and the 3 rings of death, was heat related and cold solder and just redoing and tightening up could get it back working.

  • jacktequila
    jacktequila Member Posts: 8 New User

    Hi Trukntigger, thanks for the tip, but I tried it and didn't work.

  • VegasWhoa
    VegasWhoa Member Posts: 79 Devotee WiFi Icon

    Have you fixed this problem?   I too have come across a problem like this as well.


    Here is my thread:  http://community.acer.com/t5/E-F-and-M-Series-Laptops/Aspire-E5-575G-Geforce-940m-NOT-DETECTED/m-p/491692



  • jacktequila
    jacktequila Member Posts: 8 New User

    Saddly no @VegasWhoa Smiley Sad

    I also created a topic in geforce forums: https://forums.geforce.com/default/topic/1000134/geforce-900-series/missing-egpu-device-920m-3d-video-controller-after-bsod-on-update/


    but right now, no answers.


    I'm trying to sell my notebook now, but without the egpu its price dropped a lot 

  • Trukntigger
    Trukntigger Member Posts: 256 Mr. Fixit WiFi Icon

    I find it rather odd video hardware fails after a software update? Even a bios update will not break hardware per se but could render it unusable.  What update was it that installed causing this? My E5-575g has yet to give any problems what so ever and I have been inside that thing from almost day one modifying it to suit my tastes. Personal experience has shown me number one reason for this type of issue is driver installation errors. For all the advances in windows it still acts like plug and pray from win98 days many times. 


    If adventurous I would start from scratch. Backup key data, reset bios to defaults. Reinstall Win10 using the restore feature from day one or fresh install doing things step by step in correct order. This means install Win10, reboot. Install chipset drivers...FOR correct CPU (skylake / kabylake) reboot, Intel video, reboot, Nvidia drivers, reboot. Thing is I'm thinking the error is in the chipset. Depending on build date of system you could have either one as manufacturers transitioned from Skylake inventory to Kabylake. Very easy to install wrong one or have windows update incorrectly. Just thinking this logically is all. Hardware does not just fail normally without a reason.

  • VegasWhoa
    VegasWhoa Member Posts: 79 Devotee WiFi Icon
    I did the win10 reset to no avail, I then formatted and reinstalled windows, nothing. I then rolled back the bios to 1.20, then 1.18, then 1.04 and slowly upgraded then bios one by one, nothing!

    Does anyone know where the pci express slot is located for the GeForce 940mx or is it not connected via pci-e and the gpu is soldered to the board underneath the fan?
  • Trukntigger
    Trukntigger Member Posts: 256 Mr. Fixit WiFi Icon

    It's soldered under heat sink near the DVD end of heat pipe. Fairly obvious when you remove bottom cover and look inside.  Like I said, poked around a lot in mine, warranty be darned. Was looking to add/upgrade the gtx950 ddr5 in mine from 2gb. Was no go. Did add 2 ssd drives to go with the m2 ssd already inside and upgraded LCD panel and bumped ram to 16gb.

  • VegasWhoa
    VegasWhoa Member Posts: 79 Devotee WiFi Icon

    Mine is a 575G, IDK if the chip is different or not.  I opened mine up and the copper colored pipe/heatsink goes over two chips.  The 940mx I thought is under the fan. I lifted it up and it appeared there was a chip there but couldn't see very well because of a black plastic cover.  


    Even if this is software related, shouldn't the BIOS still have the option to switch between the two cards???  I don't have that option anymore.




  • Trukntigger
    Trukntigger Member Posts: 256 Mr. Fixit WiFi Icon

    Well thinking on it. Don't recall ever seeing a select mode, just priority boot preference normally only on desktops. Going to send a pm to you Vegas.

  • hestra
    hestra Member Posts: 1 New User

    Yes i faced this issue, Now I done, You can follow this article will help you sure. https://www.howtoseeks.com/nvidia-geforce-experience-wont-open/

  • stlfinder
    stlfinder Member Posts: 3 New User

    If it is a bit tedious to get the exact programs that go with the windows that one is using. :s