Switch SW3-013 disk full
My system drive shows 1.41 free out of 28.4 GB and I can't free it up using the usual procedures!Win10 is up to date. I have run Ccleaner and Windows Disk Cleanup (including system). Last I checked a few days ago it had 13.2GB free on the C drive. This time, no luck. 1.41 GB free. My User folder properties says 13GB - but can't view anything that size. Even Windows folder is < 10GB. I've rebooted twice but no change.
Windows 10 Home 32-bit v1607 b14393.576 - Acer Aspire SW3-013 Notebook - SSD 32 GB - SD card 64GB
Best Answer
". I have run Ccleaner and Windows Disk Cleanup..."
Problem solved -- Ccleaner had a setting checked for 'do not delete TEMP files less than 24 hours old'. I'm surprised that Disk Cleanup (cleanmgr.exe) didn't delete them either. Today all the TEMP folders are all gone and my free space increased by 13 GB!
To view TEMP files - in a hidden system folder - type this into the Explorer location bar:
C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Temp (replace USERNAME with your login name)
For experts, here is a Batch program to run Ccleaner. Create it in a text editor and name it CLEAN.BAT with Administrative priviledges (Right-click on the file, select Advanced properties, check 'run as Administrator'). CLEAN.BAT can be run from Task Scheduler but it would be better to change Settings to NOT delete Temp files less than 24 hours old - then uncheck it temporarily for emergencies!
@ECHO off
ECHO Ccleaner deleting files...
"C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe" /WAIT /AUTO__________________________
Download this program and run as Admin, post the snip of it here.
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". I have run Ccleaner and Windows Disk Cleanup..."
Problem solved -- Ccleaner had a setting checked for 'do not delete TEMP files less than 24 hours old'. I'm surprised that Disk Cleanup (cleanmgr.exe) didn't delete them either. Today all the TEMP folders are all gone and my free space increased by 13 GB!
To view TEMP files - in a hidden system folder - type this into the Explorer location bar:
C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Temp (replace USERNAME with your login name)
For experts, here is a Batch program to run Ccleaner. Create it in a text editor and name it CLEAN.BAT with Administrative priviledges (Right-click on the file, select Advanced properties, check 'run as Administrator'). CLEAN.BAT can be run from Task Scheduler but it would be better to change Settings to NOT delete Temp files less than 24 hours old - then uncheck it temporarily for emergencies!
@ECHO off
ECHO Ccleaner deleting files...
"C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe" /WAIT /AUTO__________________________