
bcinbc Member Posts: 2 New User

My E5-511P shows a block then circle image in place of the pointer shortly after bootup and often before Windows 10 opens. This phenomenon happens more often than not. I have tried to use Esc, Ctrl Esc, Alt Esc, and Ctrl Alt Esc, but there is no correlation to its disappearance and return of the pointer that I can see. While this is happening the mouse touchpad has no effect on its position, which is on left of center usually above the mid-line horizontally. Most often it seems that I have merely to wait it out. It always does go away and the pointer returns, allowing normal to quasi-normal functioning. Note - this phenomenon existed when I ran Windows 8.1. In both environments the Ctrl key would show where the block/circle was with the usual diminishing rings.

What you may ask is quasi-normal functioning, it is another matter that arises frequently where the pointer seems to change from a mere highlighter to a grab and move the screen function. This, perhaps with merely hovering my finger over the touch pad. Yet I recall rejecting something similar in my setup once. If I tap the mouse pad, this causes the pointer to revert to normal mouse action, but some of the text is often left highlighted.


Any similar experiences? Any suggestions how to rectify?


  • Mary-Acer
    Mary-Acer Acer Crew Posts: 868 Acer Crew

    We are not familiar with this issue but it sounds like there is something running in the background that may be causing this. If this started happening recently (rather than right out of the box) the best way to troubleshoot this would be to restore the system to factory configurations then test the system before installing any 3rd party apps. If it doesn't happen, install your apps one at a time but test thoroughly after each install. You might be able to narrow down the cause if it happens again after installing something. If it still happens after a clean restore to factory settings, we would suggest repair at that point.

  • bcinbc
    bcinbc Member Posts: 2 New User

    That seems like a lot of nuisance for something that for the life of me seems to be hardware-oriented. This happened from the outset as far as i can recall. Last year when I still had W8.1, i had it back to Best Buy Geeks, they sent it back to Acer where the tech effectively told our guy that he was nuts, they did not see the problem.


    Because it is not a show-stopper I have ignored it and waited it out when it happens. Nonetheless it is a distinct annoyance, however it does require that a bench test be conducted with the tech NOT leaving the screen until it appears. This is sometimes immediate but not always, it can happen during keyboard entry after Chrome has opened.