Does Acer provide a cloud in the same way as OneDrive or Dropbox?

Jeffrey999 Member Posts: 5 New User

I have downloaded the Acer cloud portal and ABfiles and see that this means my computer is my cloud for my Acer tablet, which is OK if my computer is on when I am on the road, but it is not.  Does Acer provide a cloud in the same way as OneDrive or Dropbox, so I don't need to link my tablet to my computer when that is off?


  • TeresaHsu
    TeresaHsu Member Posts: 68 Troubleshooter

    Hi Jeffrey999,


    abApps are different from OneDrive and Dropbox. If you want to use abFiles to access files, you have to keep your PC online.

    You can refer to the Online Help of using abFiles.



    Acer BYOC Apps Support