Why does my power light rapidly flash orange and blue?
Often when I power down my laptop by closing the lid (haven't tried it by actually shutting it off) and go to bed, when I wake up I hear a clicking noise, and the power LED is flashing very rapidly blue and orange. Note that this is not the battery light, this is the other one. This seems to happen whether or not the laptop is plugged in.
Searching Google, all I find is people talking about the battery light, but the battery light doesn't flash. I'm hoping someone can link me to a guide to see what the different flashing lights mean.
Thank you!
im guessing HDD activity, do you have stuff running automatic once a week like disc defrag/optimize or virus scanner when your not using the lappy?
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automatic updates for windows and other programs might be happenin too just a thought.
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Hmm - it's not that kind of flashing or ticking. The ticking sound doesn't sound like disk activity, more like a click. But not like a bad disk click. And the flashing isn't the kind we're used to seeing when the disk is being accessed, where the flashes aren't uniform. This is a rhythmic click and flash, maybe 3 per second. I woke up to it again, and the last thing I did last night was restart and then suspend.
I'd hoped maybe I'd see some message from Windows when I opened it, and it was clear that it was no longer suspended. It came up too quickly.
Tonight I'm going to shut down and see if it's doing it when I wake up.
I'm surprised I can't find a page on Acer's website that explains the colors and rhythms of all of the indicator lights.
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Have you tried to start the laptop with the battery only?
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Any thirdparty software like system monitors tweak this tweak that fix this fix that installed ???
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I'll try that tonight and see what happens in the morning.
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No, and in fact I uninstalled a bunch of stuff last night.
The computer was basically factory with Firefox. I spent an hour or so removing all of the apps I'll never use, so it's just the basics now. I even took MS Office off, since I won't be paying for it!
I got McAffee uninstalled and am using Defender instead, and I kicked off a scan before leaving for work, so I'll see if there's anything malicious there.
Thanks for your input, guys.
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Ok cool keep us posted , is there is a point in time when this just started but was fine before is what i should have said might even be related to a windows update ...just thinkin out loud here .