aspire TC-220 desktop computer

fshngmgc Member Posts: 13


I just purchased a TC220 desktop with 12 gb ram, 1st slot has 4gb ddr3, 2nd slot has 8gb ddr3 ram, seems an odd combo, but I want to add som ram so do I move th 8gb to slot 3 and purchase 4gb ddr3 for the 2nd slot. not sure how to make sure I get the best bang for my buck.


Best Answer

  • IronFly
    IronFly ACE Posts: 18,413 Trailblazer
    Answer ✓

    probably you will not notice a big difference having 4+8GB or 8+8GB least until your system will not pass the 4GB limit of the smaller stick, after that your system will work as single channel (trying to use the only available ram other the 4GB).


    So having 8+8GB your system will be more stable and better performance when going over 4GB (photo/video editing and modern 3D games will do it).


    about same part#, yes it will better for stability.

    I'm not an Acer employee.


  • IronFly
    IronFly ACE Posts: 18,413 Trailblazer

    i would add an 8GB ram module and take off the 4GB ram module, so you will have a double channel configuration and 16GB.


    you just need to buy another 8GB ram stick with the same voltage and frequency.

    I'm not an Acer employee.
  • fshngmgc
    fshngmgc Member Posts: 13


    Thanks for the suggestion but do you not think that that is a waste of 4gb ofddr3, or should I put that 4gb into slot 3 after I buy an 8gb ram


  • IronFly
    IronFly ACE Posts: 18,413 Trailblazer

    to have the best performances, ram module must match and had to be pairs. (even numbers)

    Double channel configuration.

    I'm not an Acer employee.
  • fshngmgc
    fshngmgc Member Posts: 13


    Thanks and I do understand what you meen but does that mean that right now I do not have a good set up with one being 4gb and on the same side the other being 8gb if that means that I can greatly improve my unit by just putting in 8gb on the same side and leaving the 4gb in my desk drawer. also when purchasing the ddr3 I would be well served if I looked for the same part# that is on the 8gb part.

    I am sorry to be a pest but this is all new to me and just a little confusing,



  • IronFly
    IronFly ACE Posts: 18,413 Trailblazer
    Answer ✓

    probably you will not notice a big difference having 4+8GB or 8+8GB least until your system will not pass the 4GB limit of the smaller stick, after that your system will work as single channel (trying to use the only available ram other the 4GB).


    So having 8+8GB your system will be more stable and better performance when going over 4GB (photo/video editing and modern 3D games will do it).


    about same part#, yes it will better for stability.

    I'm not an Acer employee.
  • fshngmgc
    fshngmgc Member Posts: 13


    Thank you Ace, you have been a great help and I do appreciate it.



  • IronFly
    IronFly ACE Posts: 18,413 Trailblazer

    You welcome.

    I'm not an Acer employee.