Missing Tablet

EddieDufus Member Posts: 3 New User
Hi, my Acer W8 tablet failed to upgrade to windows 10 and froze instead. I spoke to microsoft who suggested a factory reset. As I couldnt find any instructions I was asked to speak to Acer support who after a few unsuccessful suggestions asked me to send it in to their repair centre via UPS. I did so and it was received on the 28th Aug 2015. However since then I have heard nothing about it, and after repeated calls found out that there was a case ID/ serial mismatch; not my fault but the agent's who took down the details. In spite of repeated calls with assurances of case escalation I am still nowhere and no one has the faintest idea about the whereabouts of my tablet. All I get from the customer service centre situated in Asia, apologies and assurances of e-mails being sent and case being escalated everyday. Same answers. I am going out of my mind and need to speak to someone here in UK who will genuinely get my tablet sorted or send me a replacement one if my tablet has gone missing. Please any suggestions or ideas.


  • Cory-Acer
    Cory-Acer Administrator Posts: 1,449 Community Administrator

    Hi EddieDufus,


    I'll be glad to see if I can get you some help. I get that having to repair your computer is frustrating enough, but not knowing what's going on can leaving you feeling helpless and that's not a good experience. Hopefully this is just a communication error on our part and we can get this resolved quickly for you. Can you send me a private message with some personal details and I'll get them to the right people?





    Serial Number:

    Case Number:

    Tracking Number:



  • EddieDufus
    EddieDufus Member Posts: 3 New User

    Hi Cory, sorry but I am encountering errors if I message you. However Case ID is [Edited for Privacy].

  • Cory-Acer
    Cory-Acer Administrator Posts: 1,449 Community Administrator

    Hi Eddie,

    I removed the Case ID for privacy, but I have it and I've sent an email over to my contacts in your region. In the mean time, I've also granted you access to send private messages (new account feature to prevent spammers) and you can send me the rest of the information I'll pass it along.


  • EddieDufus
    EddieDufus Member Posts: 3 New User
    Many thanks Cory, but still am not able to send, can you check again?
  • Cory-Acer
    Cory-Acer Administrator Posts: 1,449 Community Administrator


    I had one of our Admin's take a look and he was able to test that your account is able to send private messages. If you click on my name it will take you into my profile and on the right side there is an option to send this user a private message.




    Hopefully this works, but let me know Smiley Happy
