Laptop keeps shutting down without warning because it thinks the battery is low, but it isn't.
My laptop is about 9 months old and recently it started to just shut down as if the battery were low. It is not low. It just did it now and the battery was at 80%. If I try to restart it it shows low battery and won't start. However, if I remove the battery and reinsert it, it starts up fine. Or, if I plug it in for a moment to start it up and then unplug it it works fine. The battery obviously still has plenty of juice left, but the computer is misreading it somehow. Although it still shows an accurate reading in the task bar. Any thoughts? Thank You.
Which model notebook are you having issues with so we can try to assist you better?
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Model # Z5WAH
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The model would start with a V3, V5, or VN, if you can provide that.
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V3-572/V3-532 series
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Thanks for the update. I do not see anything on my end that talks about it, you can try to update the BIOS and see if that resolves the issue, otherwise I would recommend service possibly.
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