[M5-581TG] Battery problem

boscorelly Member Posts: 30




i have a problem with my battery.


To understand better, i'll explain all.


First, screen broken. Ordered one at Acer France, and replaced it. After this, the laptop is no more booting (battery was charged before).

Windows says there is no battery. Ok, she's 2 yo, so i ordered a new one from Acer France. But nothing changes. Windows says there is no battery, and the battery is not charging.


I've tried woth another AC adapter, and the same thing appear. I have also trying to use the reset pinhole, but nothing. :-(


Edit : near the reset battery button, there is a switch where D I P is written, and this switch is to Off. I've searched on the web, but not found anything about this.


Edit² : the top cover with keybord is not fixed on the laptop. May this be the problem ?


Anyone has an idea ?

Best Answer

  • boscorelly
    boscorelly Member Posts: 30


    Answer ✓

    Hi, it's me, i'm back.


    I was unable to fait for new hdd to try.


    So, i've done.


    1st, replaced the keyboard frame. Boot. Touchpad/mouse not working. Not seen in Windows, no cursor !

    Checked cables, reboot, the same. Going crazy, never had this problem before ! Tried as before, KB connected but not clipsed, same again.


    Put DVD reader in and try to boot on Windows CD ; fail, but on windows, cursors is here but not working. Reboot, try again to boot on CD, ok. cursor ok on install program, but not working. Checked FN+(don't remember) : it works.

    Reboot, check on windows, it's ok.


    THEN ! Poweroff, remove AC charger, clip the KB, put AC in and... THIS IS CHARGING !


    I really don't understand why Acer designed it like this, but it's really bad, and make everyone going crazy about it...


    I bought a new battery, maybe for anything (but as i know, battery has a 2 years lifetime).


    Hop this will help someone a day !


    [inappropriate content removed]


  • Alan-London
    Alan-London ACE Posts: 793 Pioneer

    Yes, your problem may well be due to incomplete reassembly. It is not at all uncommon for ground planes, for example, to only be electrically connected by the clamping action of the case.

  • boscorelly
    boscorelly Member Posts: 30




    thanks for your answer.


    You think that if i reassemble completely the laptop it has some chances to work ?

  • Alan-London
    Alan-London ACE Posts: 793 Pioneer

    Yes I do but I can't guarantee it of course. Oh, and the switch (which I suspect is 'SW3') - I have no idea what that does or the consequences of changing it so I would leave that on its original setting (which I think is 'off').

  • boscorelly
    boscorelly Member Posts: 30


    Yes, the switch is SW3, with DIP written on it, and it's at Off ^^


    I'll try this. i'll buy the new hdd and the 4Gb RAM before ^^


    I'll be back asap to tell you Smiley Wink

  • boscorelly
    boscorelly Member Posts: 30


    Answer ✓

    Hi, it's me, i'm back.


    I was unable to fait for new hdd to try.


    So, i've done.


    1st, replaced the keyboard frame. Boot. Touchpad/mouse not working. Not seen in Windows, no cursor !

    Checked cables, reboot, the same. Going crazy, never had this problem before ! Tried as before, KB connected but not clipsed, same again.


    Put DVD reader in and try to boot on Windows CD ; fail, but on windows, cursors is here but not working. Reboot, try again to boot on CD, ok. cursor ok on install program, but not working. Checked FN+(don't remember) : it works.

    Reboot, check on windows, it's ok.


    THEN ! Poweroff, remove AC charger, clip the KB, put AC in and... THIS IS CHARGING !


    I really don't understand why Acer designed it like this, but it's really bad, and make everyone going crazy about it...


    I bought a new battery, maybe for anything (but as i know, battery has a 2 years lifetime).


    Hop this will help someone a day !


    [inappropriate content removed]

  • Alan-London
    Alan-London ACE Posts: 793 Pioneer

    I feel you are being rather unfair to Acer. Many designs require that they are fully assembled to function correctly. It is likely that you will find this build technique employed by numerous manufacturers. It does have benefits such as more compact designs but can also make troubleshooting more problematic for the unwary.


  • boscorelly
    boscorelly Member Posts: 30




    for as long as i repair laptops, it's relly the first time i see this... But, all has a 1st time, so now, i know Smiley Wink

  • boscorelly
    boscorelly Member Posts: 30


    I'm back.


    I was thinking it charges, but not.


    I've put my hand in different places on the KB, and found that at a point, when pressing, it charges. So what ? Why ? I had a look at the back of the laptop. Just near the battery ponhole, the is a screw.

    And THIS screw let you charge or not the battery. What it does, is pressing the SW2 battery button just a little to let it charge. I think it's to avoid electrical shortcut when disassembling. It's not *****. But it's not documented.


    I think also the SW3 DIP may let you charge when unmounted.


    Hope again this will help Smiley Happy

  • Alan-London
    Alan-London ACE Posts: 793 Pioneer

    Your suggested purpose of SW3 sounds feasible and, if that is indeed its role, would be useful during troubleshooting.


    I am less convinced by your suggestion a case screw governs the ability to charge. It also implies that switch SW2 is three position - I thought it only two. In addition, it would probably require a torque screwdriver to set it!! I am guessing but I suspect it was simply not tightened sufficiently for the reason I alluded to earlier. In any event, you seem to have it working now - that's good news!


  • boscorelly
    boscorelly Member Posts: 30




    we are thinking the same thing for SW3.


    But for SW2, i say yes, there is 3 positions. And it's more intelligent than anything : on any laptop, you can remove the battery to avoid court cuircuit. On this, you can't. So, it's a security.


    P1 : dismounted, security position, battery disconnected

    P2 : normal state, battery usable and charging

    P3 : pressed for reset


    I can make you a video if you want to prove it =)

  • Alan-London
    Alan-London ACE Posts: 793 Pioneer

    No need for a video. I will bear your findings in mind should I need to work on my M5.
    Main thing is that your problem is solved.