Acer V5-572g black screen problem

Darwin Member Posts: 34 New User
edited March 2023 in 2014 Archives

my laptop acer start going blackscreen right after i turned it on

first, the acer logo with some little balls that going around can be seen

but after it, the screen went black and only showing the mouse pointer

i have tried to turn it on and off many times but nothing hapenned, the same issues keep occuring

any suggestion on what should i do?

Best Answer

  • Sharanji
    Sharanji ACE Posts: 4,601 Pathfinder
    Answer ✓



    I suggest you to check this issue by performing a power reset.

    To perform a power reset:

    1. Unplug the AC adapter from your notebook.
    2. Turn the notebook over to remove the battery. Turn the notebook back over and open it.
    3. Hold down the power button for 30 seconds, then release the power button.
    4. Turn the notebook back over and slide the battery back into place.
    5. Slide the lock tab back into the lock position.
    6. Turn over the notebook one last time and plug in your AC adapter.
    7. Turn on your notebook.

    I hope this helps! If this was useful, please hit 'Yes' or 'Like'! Thanks! 😊


  • Sharanji
    Sharanji ACE Posts: 4,601 Pathfinder
    Answer ✓



    I suggest you to check this issue by performing a power reset.

    To perform a power reset:

    1. Unplug the AC adapter from your notebook.
    2. Turn the notebook over to remove the battery. Turn the notebook back over and open it.
    3. Hold down the power button for 30 seconds, then release the power button.
    4. Turn the notebook back over and slide the battery back into place.
    5. Slide the lock tab back into the lock position.
    6. Turn over the notebook one last time and plug in your AC adapter.
    7. Turn on your notebook.

    I hope this helps! If this was useful, please hit 'Yes' or 'Like'! Thanks! 😊

  • Darwin
    Darwin Member Posts: 34 New User

    it is still have warranty void

    to open the battery it means to break it right?


    and i think the problem occured when i installed steelseries engine 2 which was downloaded from the steelseries website


  • Darwin
    Darwin Member Posts: 34 New User


    tried to do that

    without relocating the battery

    and it works


    so should i uninstall the steelseries engine?

  • Sharanji
    Sharanji ACE Posts: 4,601 Pathfinder



    NIce to know that the issue is resolved. The above steps any electrical build up which may prevent your notebook from powering on correctly.

    You do not need to uninstall the steelseries engine.

    I hope this helps! If this was useful, please hit 'Yes' or 'Like'! Thanks! 😊

  • Darwin
    Darwin Member Posts: 34 New User

    thanks for the help Smiley Very Happy

  • Eyji
    Eyji Member Posts: 1 New User
    Hi! I got the same problem with my Aspire V5-473P and it's not even a month old since my dad gave it to me. I also had this black screen problem and I tried some things to fix it but unfortunately, it did not worked out. I almost got nervous since this laptop is a must have requirement in my degree program in college, and the fact that it's new, my parents will kill me. And I also tried that one ^^^ the one stated above. You said it worked on your aspire model so I also tried it in mine. So my problem is solved. IT WORKED! THANK YOU!
  • knyaz
    knyaz Member Posts: 3 New User

    I have the same issue with my notebook. I also can not open the laptop due to the fact that he is under warranty.


    I've tried to do next steps (how described above excluding battery removing).

    1. Unplug the AC adapter

    2. Open notebook

    3. Hold power button on > 30sec

    4. Plug the AC adapter 

    5. Turn on

    Observed: Nothing has changed. Fans are noisy, the screen is black.


    Could you help me please. Maybe I did something wrong? Russian online service does not respond to a request. I do not want to give the laptop to the service center because I fear for the safety of confidential information on it. Help, please.


    For other models I found recommendations to update the BIOS. But for my notebook, I could not find the BIOS that can be installed from a USB drive. Maybe I can use the BIOS from a different model?

  • Darwin
    Darwin Member Posts: 34 New User

    hi knyaz
    i did the step 3 without removing the battery and while it still on black screen (turned on)

    when i did it, my laptop didnt automatically shutdown. It wait for a moment while i was keep pressing it. Then it turned off. When i turn it on again, there are no black screen anymore

    maybe you want to try this method?

  • knyaz
    knyaz Member Posts: 3 New User

    Sorry. I did not carefully read the description of the problem. That I was too, but this is nonsense. Now I have another problem - the monitor is always black. No balls and logos.

  • Darwin
    Darwin Member Posts: 34 New User


    maybe u need to post a new thread

    i think it might be because a connector from your laptop component to your display

  • knyaz
    knyaz Member Posts: 3 New User

    Thanks, but I already found similar threads. There advised to contact the service. It seems that this is the only right decision.


    And No, it's not display issue. When I close the laptop, it should go to sleep. But this does not happen - I hear fans. Something wrong with BIOS or hardware.