upgrade acer m3100 processor(moth. acer f690gvm)

enrik00 Member Posts: 11 New User

i have an acer  M3100( very old computer, i bought it on 2007-8); it ha sa dual core processor amd athlon 64 xdual 4000+(2,1ghz), motherboard acer f690gvm; i want to upgrade processor,  i'm quite sure  i put in it  a 6000+, but, can i use also the 6400+?

and also , i've read on the net, that,  some people with this motherboard(acer f690gvm), but with acer m5100 computer, was able to put in a phenom x4 9500, so, can also i use a phenom ?does my motherborad support phenom i, like 9500 or other phenom proc ?

i want a sure answer, if my comp support phenom 95000

thanks for eventually response

Best Answer

  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,401 Trailblazer
    Answer ✓



    "Sorry.... I don't think it is a Foxconn, It is a phoenix, with phoenix BIOS.. Sometimes ago, i post this problem also in toms hardware (do You know it? ), and also They said me it was a Foxconn, but, in Foxconn site, there aren't My motherboard, only similari motherboard..":
    It's a Foxconn motherboard specific to Acer. For example, my previous destop had a MSI but I didn't find it on the MSI site. That's normal that's an Acer product. Phoenix is an bios editor and it doesn't made motherboard.


    "I have Another question: in acer web site, there are some driver upgrade, some are quite recent, but They are for xp and vista, Can i download driver for Windows vista, and install it, in Windows 7?":

    Aspire M3100 was sold with Windows XP/Vista. Windows 7 was installed by you or by the previous owner. Certains Vista drivers are compatibles with Windows 7. Download one by one and read the file "readme.txt". Otherwise, you'll also find the drivers on the sites of manufacturers.


    "However, if phenom quad Core 9500 isn't support, i think My motherboard support all dual core Processor AMD athlon x64 dual to 6400 + isn't it":

    Your motherboard support the AMD Penom X4 9500 (100% sure).



  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,401 Trailblazer



    These motherboards are common to Aspire M3100 and M5100:

    MB.S8909.002 - MAIN BD.F690GVM.W/IOBKT/1394

    MB.S8709.001 - MAIN BD.F690GVM.W/IOBKT/1394


    I'll also found these cpu for Aspire M3100:

    KC.PHN02.950 - CPU.PHEN-X4.9500/2.20G/2M/B2


    About bios versions:

    R01-A1 and R02-B1 are common to both models.


    Which OS do you have?

  • enrik00
    enrik00 Member Posts: 11 New User

    windows 7 64 bit professional (thanks for response, sorry for my bad english)

    how can i know the version of bios of my computer?Cattura.JPG

  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,401 Trailblazer

    Hello enrik00,


    For your OS, that's ok.


    You'll also find it in the bios setup uility. When you start your desktop and you see the Acer screen, press [F2].

    I determinated your bios version by the date:

    R01-A1 - 06/25/2007

    R02-B1 - 08/01/2008

    Apparently, you haven't the last version.

    Thanks for your screenshot. Good idea!


    Otherwise, there is only one heatsink for all cpus. The difference between both MB is HDMI port.



    I understand what you say. It's the main. Smiley Wink

  • enrik00
    enrik00 Member Posts: 11 New User

    ok thanks  very very much

  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,401 Trailblazer

    You are welcome.

  • enrik00
    enrik00 Member Posts: 11 New User

    but, in acer web site, there aren't bios upgrade for acer m3100 and 5100; also,  in Mother board  driver, as OS, i can only select windows vista or xp (either 32 or 64 bit); should i download  driver for windows vista and they will work ? if no, where can i download  newer version of bios?





  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,401 Trailblazer



    I had a desktop with a similar motherboard (ATI RS600/SB600 - Intel Q6600 quad cores).

    The most recent bios version supported only the cpus dual cores.

    I wait confirmation from a technician about your bios version .

    If it's ok, I'll give you the link and the procedure to flash under MS-Dos.

  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,401 Trailblazer



    I found the informations. Smiley Tongue


    - Aspire M3100 - Benchmark site: The bios version R02-B1 support AMD Phenom X4 9500

    - Some models: Aspire M3100 UK and Aspire M3100 NL

    - AMD Phenom X4 9500 specifications

    - Your motherboard must be an AM2+ socket.

    - If you change the cpu yourself, I advise you to purchase an ESD equipment (ElectroStatic Discharge)


    About the bios:


    A- You download the bios version R02-B1.

    B- Procedure to flash your bios under MS-DOS (Aspire M3100 - Bios R02-B1):


    To flash the bios with MS-DOS:

    1- Make a MS-DOS Bootable USB Flash Drive (see note) with FlashBoot (Demo) or HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool

    2- Download R02-B1.zip and unzipped it.

    3- Copy all files on the USB flash drive.

    4- Boot on the USB flash drive (see the note).

    5- When you are on MS-DOS, type the command AFLASH.BAT

    6- If it's flashing successfully, reboot your system (normally, it reboot automatically).

    7- Enter on the bios setup utility, "Load optimazed defaults" or "Load default settings".


    --- If you have a doubt, do not hesitate to ask me questions ---



    USB Flash Drive size: 2Gb maxi

    Flashboot: Map to A: selected --> you'll see it like a FDD or USB FDD

                   Map to C: selected --> You'll see it like a HDD or USB HDD

    HP: By default, Letter C --> you'll see it like a HDD or USB HDD


    It exists a portable version of Flashboot Demo 2.2e (no installation).


  • enrik00
    enrik00 Member Posts: 11 New User

    ok , thanks a lot,  ( my mobo is am2 , not am2+ )....i must install new bios  to support phenomx4 9500 ? or can i use my version, and it will work ?

  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,401 Trailblazer

    Hmmm... Good question!

    As you could see on the benchmark page, the test was done with R02-B1.

    I prefer you flash with this version.

    Under MS-Dos, it's a sure method.

  • enrik00
    enrik00 Member Posts: 11 New User

    ok, now , i don'y have much time, i'll try soon, thanks a a lot

  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,401 Trailblazer



    I found this french article about Aspire M3100-5E7Z (01/31/2008). It was before the bios version R02-B1 so you don't need to flash the bios.

    The bios version:

    R01-A1 - 06/25/2007

    R02-B1 - 08/01/2008


    Do you have a HDMI port on your desktop?

  • enrik00
    enrik00 Member Posts: 11 New User

    sorry, it doesn't seem to have an hdmi port.(thanks for your interesting in my problem)

  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,401 Trailblazer



    Could you indicate me your exact model Aspire M3100-xxxx?

  • enrik00
    enrik00 Member Posts: 11 New User

    Where Can i see it? I only know, that is AN acer aspire M3100, dual core processore AMD athlon 64 x dual 4000 +, 2.1 GHz, iniziale, It had Windows vista, 1 gb of ram ddr2, mb acer g690gvm
    Am2 socket

  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,401 Trailblazer

    You'll find a label on the side of the tower.


  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,401 Trailblazer

    I found many informations:


    Your motherboard is a Foxconn (it looks like this one).

    For AM2/AM2+ socket, you'll find many information on the Foxconn site (similar motherboard):


    "AMD Athlon™ 64FX, Athlon™ 64x2, Athlon™ 64, Sempron™ Processors, Socket AM2
    Supports Socket AM2+ with HT1.0 interface"


    See also here (same chipset).

  • enrik00
    enrik00 Member Posts: 11 New User
  • enrik00
    enrik00 Member Posts: 11 New User

    scheda madre aida64.JPGaida64 chipset info.JPGSorry.... I don't think it is a Foxconn, It is a phoenix, with phoenix BIOS.. Sometimes ago, i post this problem also in toms hardware (do You know it? ), and also They said me it was a Foxconn, but, in Foxconn site, there aren't My motherboard, only similari motherboard..

    I have Another question: in acer web site, there are some driver upgrade, some are quite recent, but They are for xp and vista, Can i download driver for Windows vista, and install it, in Windows 7?

    However, if phenom quad Core 9500 isn't support, i think My motherboard support all dual core Processor AMD athlon x64 dual to 6400 + isn't it?

  • enrik00
    enrik00 Member Posts: 11 New User

    I think finally i will buy AN AMD athlon 6400 + dual core, ( it is supported, isn't it? ). I hoped i could used a quad Core, but nada..... So, if you are so kind , to tell me if 6400 are supporter, than i will accept  a solution
    Thanks a lot for all