New Acer V3-772g booting to a blank screen?

ibanezb20 Member Posts: 4 New User

I recieved a new Acer V3-772g-5413 about a week ago. Booted up fine the first time I started it. 2nd time I go to start it, it gets past the Acer logo (Bios screen?) and then the screen turns blank (Bright white, the screen was clearly powered). I've found that rapidly hitting F12 throughout the bios screen will sometimes allow it to boot normally. If that doesn't work, I use F2 to get to the bios menu, and then exit and save without actually changing anything. This will be followed by a succesful startup. Not sure why. 


So two questions:

What does F12 do on this model, and why does that allow me to boot normally?

Any suggestions as to what the underlying problem might be?


After the first startup I installed a bunch of programs, drivers, etc., so probably one of those is at fault? How should I test that?


I've turned off the fast boot option in the bios, but no luck.


Thanks in advance! 


  • spottedstar1123
    spottedstar1123 Member Posts: 3 New User
    Maybe if one of the programs you installed is the problem, then it would probably be one from an unreliable source (like free, "virus-free", download of something you're supposed to pay for, or something like that).
  • ibanezb20
    ibanezb20 Member Posts: 4 New User

    So I've methodically uninstalled every program that I added before this problem began, no luck. I don't think I had any programs from an unreliable source. I've also gone through and disabled most of my startup programs, everything but some audio drivers and the Task Scheduler Congif Tool.


    Another thing that I've noticed is that the problem only occurs when the computer has been shut down for more than ~30mins. If I were to shut it down right now, wait a minute, and re-boot, it would do so correctly. Not sure if this provides any sort of clue.


    Not sure where to go from here. I may try reformatting the hard drive and doing a fresh install. *sigh*.

  • IronFly
    IronFly ACE Posts: 18,413 Trailblazer

    Can you enter the BIOS? (press F2 at boot)

    if so, check if any "load optimized defaults" or something similar exist.

    select it, save and exit

    I'm not an Acer employee.
  • ibanezb20
    ibanezb20 Member Posts: 4 New User

    I can get to the BIOS screen, though I didn't see any options like that.

  • Kno63
    Kno63 ACE Posts: 15,816 Trailblazer



    you wrote: After the first startup I installed a bunch of programs, drivers, etc., so probably one of those is at fault? How should I test that?


    You can test it this way:  Go to "Run" and insert msconfig . Then go to "services" and check " Hide all Microsoft services".


    After that, you uncheck all the other services, than apply and restart the computer.


    If the issue is gone, you can add the services one by one, till you find the malefactor

    "There's more to the picture than meets the eye ..."
    Bitte bei der hilfreichsten Antwort die Markierung als Lösung nicht vergessen; du hilfst damit anderen, die das selbe Problem haben!
    "Likes"? Warum nicht! ;-)
    Ich bin kein Acer Mitarbeiter!  :-)

  • ibanezb20
    ibanezb20 Member Posts: 4 New User

    I did as suggested and disabled all of the startup services. No luck.


    As for the F12 boot menu, that is currently disabled, and was by default.


    Thanks for all of the replies!

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