MotherBoard Bios

061960 Member Posts: 13 New User
Hi Everyone, I hope someone can help me :-)

I have an Aspire 8920G 'Gemstone' and my Motherboard has finally died after years of long service. I sent my laptop for repair to Acer Repair Centre but in the end was eventually told they couldn't get a new Motherboard so they sent it back.

I have bought a MotherBoard from Ebay (with a years warranty) but having fitted said Board and connected what i need to connect when I turn it on, it starts to load, HDD light starts to blink, System Fan Runs, the Optical drive spins, the everything stops. throughout all this activity my screen remains Blank/Black, there is nothing!

My Question is - Do I need to Flash the BIOS to Acer v1.16??

ANY Help and/or Suggestion would be awesome.

Kind regards



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