Do you want a free word processor? Or do you want to pay for it?

onederer Member Posts: 13


Whenit comes to Windows, nothing is free! One has to pay, and pay. Well, I found an open source free word processor that won't cost you a dime. And there's a version for every platform. It is called "AbiWord". You can Google it to find where to get it. I was looking for something to write a letter to my cousin. and all I found in the tablet was a "trial" version of Windows Office. I couldn't get it running.


It's soon destined to hit the deep six. All those bundled trial applications, just clog up the limited available space in the limited memory tablets. There are good stuff out there in the open source world, that won't break your back or your wallet. They are put together and supported by dedicated people from all over the world, who love what they are doing. Give it a try! Most of that open source applications, are good enough to give those expensive commercial apps, a good run for their money.   Cheers!


  • exscentric
    exscentric Member Posts: 78 Troubleshooter

    Google open office or Libre Office for free office suites.  Also, Softmaker has a free version  Not to detract from Abi and others.

  • ptrkhh
    ptrkhh Member Posts: 72 Troubleshooter

    The problem is none of them is finger-friendly. Thats why I stick with Office even though I have to pay. With Office University (if you are a student, or you have a student friend/colleague/sibling/other), it costs less than $100 for 2 PC for 4 years, which means less than $1 per month per PC.


  • onederer
    onederer Member Posts: 13


    Google has an agenda, and therefore, I don't trust it. The other one is quite suitable for our general applications. Thanks for the comeback!

  • exscentric
    exscentric Member Posts: 78 Troubleshooter

    Meant to google for open office/libre, they are two different suites not related to google, that I know of anyway, who knows where their fingers have gotten :-)  Both have spreadsheet, presentation and word processing as does softmaker

  • onederer
    onederer Member Posts: 13


    By finger friendly, do you mean the software keyboard on the display screen? While I'm at home, I've taken care of this problem. I use a full-sized keyboard, plugged into the tablet's USB port, with a wireless adapter. No physical connecton to the tablet for the keyboard or the mouse. And, I get to use the tablet's display's full screen for the data and not for the software keyboard that robs too much of the screen's view.


    In as much as possible I'll stick with the open-source freebies which are reliable. I use Windows as little as possible, when having a choice.

  • onederer
    onederer Member Posts: 13


    Is it small enough to fit into a tablet's memory/storage footprint? It doesn't take very much to fill up one of these tablets with applications!

  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,617 Trailblazer

    Remember that you also have Wordpad, a free word processor that comes as part of Windows.

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  • onederer
    onederer Member Posts: 13


    Yeah! Wordpad. I sure had a hard time finding it amongst all the other applications. I wasn't sure if MS had decided to drop that application, until I finally found it.



  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,617 Trailblazer

    Easiest way to find stuff with 8/8.1 is to use the search function of the charm bar or start menu. Then you don't need to search through the icons of the 'show all' mode of the start menu. Just start typing from the start menu or click the magnifying glass and search from the prompt.

    Click on "Like" if you find my answer useful or click on "Yes" if it answers your question.
  • ptrkhh
    ptrkhh Member Posts: 72 Troubleshooter
    Finger friendly menus, I often work with a Bluetooth keyboard and a touch screen.
    The Ribbon UI in my opinion is a godsend for touch screen compared to plain-old toolbars
  • wmm
    wmm Member Posts: 63 Troubleshooter

    Just an extra plug for FreeOffice from SoftMaker: from now until 24 December, for each copy downloaded they will donate ten euro cents to charities around the world.  I've used their products for years; they're extremely capable and very compatible both reading and creating Microsoft files.  It's hard to beat that deal: an excellent piece of software, completely free, that helps charities around the world.  Even if you don't plan to use it, consider downloading it just to increase the size of the donation.  See the campaign page here for details.  (I have no connection with that company other than as a paying customer.)

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