Buy or wait? V7-482PG-6662

lukasz101 Member Posts: 2 New User
It was either the V7-482 or the Sony VAIO 15.5" that costs $1299.99.
Bestbuy and Futureshop were all sold out but luckily the Acer Store wasn't and they had a sale on it. I was going to buy it but I emailed them first to ask them about it.
After reading these forums about the bad customer service I shouldn't be surprised that I didn't hear back from them and I missed the sale from me waiting for a reply.
I've been reading up on a bunch of problems people have been having with the V7 so I don't even know if I should get one anymore.
Is it likely that a newer model will be coming out soon with the Haswell processor?
The V7 had the 3 things I was looking for: 1080p screen, discrete video card, and touchscreen. A plus was that the screen size was a bit smaller than the Sony but the hard drive wasnt as big.
Given the bad customer service and problems with this laptop should I just abandon this and get the Sony?


  • coreno
    coreno Member Posts: 4 New User

    I think the V7-482PG does have the Haswell core. 

  • lukasz101
    lukasz101 Member Posts: 2 New User
    You're right it does. I was just rereading the description and noticed that.
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