Adding Removable Hard Drive to Aspire M3400

mikenorth Member Posts: 2 New User

I have just installed a new 2Tb hard drive into the removable bay of my Aspire M3400 desktop, but cannot detect it in Windows 7 to Format it?

I can see it connected in the BIOS "Peripharals" menu as part of the RAID, so I know it has been recognised by the computer, however, I do not want to use it as part of a RAID set-up. Is that what is preventing me seeiing it?


I would be grateful for any help in "finding it" in Windows... Thanks


  • mikenorth
    mikenorth Member Posts: 2 New User

    Please ignore my request, I have realised I have to Initialise the drive in Windows first before Fornatting which I have now been able to do. The RAID tag on the BIOS was a red herring.

    Sorry for unnecessary question, but I don't know how to delete it. Regards

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