Second NVMe sometimes detected but sometimes disappears on Predator Helios Neo 16

deanprananda Member Posts: 14


Recently, My new second NVMe (D:) replaced with newer NVMe after my old second NVMe being undetected and replaced. However, Second NVMe when plugged into Second NVMe slot caused that NVMe mostly disappear (Presumely due of my Windows 11 has IRST (Intel Rapid Storage Technology). If the new second NVMe connect with external NVMe device, the new second NVMe runs normally.

Here's the problem

  1. After being plugged into second NVMe slot, NVMe often disappears even causes the Disk Management become not responding after tried to create partition
  2. Intel RST NVMe are installed for C: Drive.
  3. When second NVMe installed on second NVMe slot it causes my Windows into slower boot
  4. Disabling Intel RST causing my Windows crashes into BSOD Inaccessible_Boot. I don't know how to disable Intel RST.

Any solution for fixing second NVMe slot connection that causes my second NVMe often disappearing despite my second NVMe still recoginzed when connected from external NVMe Device.
