Bluescreen recover eror 0xc0000098 and critical process died in Predator laptop

MURASI Member Posts: 5 New User
edited February 16 in Predator Laptops


Ketika tekan tombol power muncul blue screen terkadang seperti gambar di atas atau gambar di bawah. Saat seperti gambar di atas tombol enter akan kembali seperti gambar dibawah, begitu semua pilihan diatas dipilih akhirnya critical process died, saat sudah 100 persen tidak ada yang berubah, dan hanya stuck seperti itu, apabila tombol power ditekan kembali akan terus berulang seperti sebelumnya. Mohon bantuannya. Terima kasih


When you press the power button, a blue screen sometimes appears like the image above or the image below. When it's like the picture above, the enter button will return like the picture below, once all the options above are selected, finally the critical process is killed, when it's at 100 percent nothing changes, and it's just stuck like that, if the power button is pressed again it will continue to repeat as before. Please help. Thank You

[Translated using Google]


  • AnhEZ28
    AnhEZ28 ACE, Member Posts: 4,820 Pathfinder


    Press F1

    Troubleshoot, advanced options, and select system restore.

    Please remember to include @AnhEZ28 when you want to reply back to my comment so that I can check your response.
    Thank you and have a nice day!
    MURASI Member Posts: 5 New User
    edited February 16


    Ketika menekan f11 terjadi seperti ini


    When pressing f11 it happens like this

  • AnhEZ28
    AnhEZ28 ACE, Member Posts: 4,820 Pathfinder
    edited February 16


    Seems like the Windows is corrupted. You might need another computer and an USB to reinstall it.

    Sepertinya Windowsnya rusak. Anda mungkin memerlukan komputer lain dan USB untuk menginstalnya kembali.

    Please remember to include @AnhEZ28 when you want to reply back to my comment so that I can check your response.
    Thank you and have a nice day!
    MURASI Member Posts: 5 New User
    edited February 16

    @AnhEZ28 terjadi seperti diatas setelah tekan F1

    @AnhEZ28 nothing happens as above after pressing F1