How to resolve Blue screen and driver update issues on Helios PHN16-72 after Windows 11 v.24H2

MURASI Member Posts: 5 New User
edited February 12 in Predator Laptops


saya punya masalah instal windows11 v.24H2 & gagal update driver. predator Helios Neo 16 PHN 16-72 berulang kali. dan update versi terbaru driver airplane mode v pada predatorsense selalu gagal dan terkadang muncul bluescreen. mohon bantuannya.


I had a problem installing Windows11 v.24H2 & failed to update the driver. predator Helios Neo 16 PHN 16-72 repeatedly. and updating the latest version of the airplane mode driver v on predatorsense always fails and sometimes a blue screen appears. Please help.

[The message was translated using Google Translation]


  • StevenGen
    StevenGen ACE Posts: 13,292 Trailblazer

    Gunakan Win-11 24H2 yang berdiri sendiri. Perbarui file ISO dan simpan semua data berharga Anda di OS Win-11 Anda saat ini. Kemudian lakukan CLEAN INSTALL 24H2 untuk laptop PH16-72 baru Anda karena itu adalah cara terbaik untuk memperbaiki kegagalan pembaruan ini untuk memperbarui melalui pembaruan windows, karena instalasi clesn akan memperbarui versi 24H2 ke driver terbaru dan membuat laptop Anda bekerja dengan baik, lalu lakukan semua pembaruan Windows. Pastikan juga Anda memperbarui ke versi bios 1.15 terakhir dari tata letak ini. Semoga sukses.


    Use the stand alone Win-11 24H2 .ISO file update and save all your valuable data on your current Win-11 OS.

    Then do a CLEAN INSTALL of 24H2 for your new PH16-72 laptop as that is the best way to fix this update failure to update through windows update, as the clesn install will update the version 24H2 to the latest drivers and make you laptop perform at it best, then do all the Windowss updates.

    Also make sure that you update to the last 1.15 bios version of this layout. Good luck.

    If this answers your question please mark my answer as " yes", thank you!

    MURASI Member Posts: 5 New User
    edited February 12

    cara perbarui ISO bagaimana ya saya coba download ISO 24H2. dan coba mount namun saat sudah instal 100 persen dan restart status updatenya gagal. saya sudah coba bersihkan dengan reset dll. Namun tetap mempertahankan file pribadi Update tetap gagal. apakah harus hapus bersih beserta file pribadi? apakah ada hubungan dengan predator sense yg tidak bisa update aiplane mode driver?

    How do I update the ISO? I tried downloading ISO 24H2. and tried to mount it but when it was installed 100 percent and restarted the update status failed. I've tried cleaning it with reset etc. However, maintaining personal files Update still fails. Do I have to wipe it clean along with personal files? Is there anything to do with Predator Sense not being able to update the Airplane mode driver?

  • StevenGen
    StevenGen ACE Posts: 13,292 Trailblazer

    First get someone to translate this for you correctly and precisely into Bahasa, as I don't think that google translate will do so if I do it for you.

    If the Win-11 version 24H2 Clean Install doesn't work within your PH16-72 Win-11 operating system, then you need to construct a new USB with the Rufus 4.5 bootable USB method, then put the Win-11 / 24H2 .ISO on that USB then put the special PH16-72 IRST version (Intel® Rapid Storage Technology) Driver version on the USB.

    Then go into bios > Main tab > F12 Boot Menu and change to Enabled, so that this option is used to boot menu during POST.

    Then turn your laptop OFF > then insert the RUFUS bootable USB into the PH16-72 USB port, and press F12 continually as soon as you PH16-72 first starts to boot, as then the Win-11 installation will start.

    When you get to the below section of the Win-11 installation @ "Where do you want to install Windows? > Load driver > install the IRST version driver so that the Win-11 recognizes the M.2 SSD boot drive and you can continue the installation, as then the installation will be done 100% and perfectly, as then you will be able to do all the windows updates to the last and current OS build: 26100.3194 for Win-11 24H2. Good luck

    If this answers your question and solved your query please "Click on Yes" or "Click on Like" if you find my answer useful👍