PHN16-Super long boot-Query reg: The whole boot process time taken for Win11 OS is about 34 seconds.

Faust Member Posts: 47 Devotee WiFi Icon
edited January 5 in Predator Laptops

i9-14900HX/32/2TB/4070/240Hz Win 11 24H2

Bios boot (before logo shows) takes about 14 seconds - Task Manager, however, shows 6,7 seconds which is still long.

Whole boot to Win11 takes about 34 seconds.

It was like this since day one, but I didn't have time to look into it. Now it started to really annoy me.

No other problems after boot.

Bios is updated to the newest version, also, no versions before it booted faster. It was always like this.

I've tried to turn secure boot on and of, my power plan settings doesn't have fast boot, so no messing with it, I've also turned bitlocker off and unencrypted all hard drives. No effect.

System SSD (KINGSTON SKC3000S1024G) has the latest firmware and worked just fine in another laptop. Remaining lifetime - 99%, no errors in SMART.

[Edited the thread to add model name and issue detail to the title]

Best Answer

  • Faust
    Faust Member Posts: 47 Devotee WiFi Icon
    Answer ✓

    So I dropped the idea of fixing my boot time because I had more important things to do.

    Today I decided to look one more time but before posting anywhere else decided to check my BIOS one more time.

    And… This darn Fast Boot was on! I swear I switched it off and then checked several times, but… It is what it is, I don't know how this happened and I how I managed to not notice it for so long. Don't ask me.

    After switching it off the Boot process now behaves normally, and the boot time is standard 24 seconds.

    Thanks for your attention and sorry for making this much noise because of my silly head.


  • Puraw
    Puraw ACE, Member Posts: 15,094 Trailblazer

    Hi, 34 seconds is a good boot time, minimum total boot time from pressing the power button to the Windows login screen is 30 seconds. Don't mess with it, Windows automatically customizes drivers/services that take too long booting. Don't use Fast Startup, disable Fast Startup and Hibernate as these options can interfere with Modern Standby protocol in Windows11 23H2.

  • Faust
    Faust Member Posts: 47 Devotee WiFi Icon

    No it's not. You can't be serious lol Or you don't know what you're talking about. There are 4 laptops currently in my home - 2011, 2012 ir 2016/2017 and ALL of them boot faster, either on Win10 or Win11. I'm talking about 20-24 seconds.

    34 seconds is ridiculous for 2024 device, this is closer to HDD booting times I forgot long ago and didn't expect to ever remember.

    As stated in the OP, Fast Startup is not an option on this device.

    Hibernate is of course disabled.

  • sri369
    sri369 ACE Posts: 2,855 Pathfinder
    edited January 5

    @Faust Tell me your hardware configuration - including free space and hard disk setup on your system. Also include the virtual memory.

    Windows 10 and Windows 11 on all my laptops take about 15-20 seconds from cold boot or under 10 seconds to wake up from hibernate mode. So there could be something on your system that could be extending this time.

    Also time how long it takes from power button press for Acer logo to appear, how long it takes for windows logo to appear from acer logo and how long it takes for lock screen to appear from when you see the windows logo.

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  • Faust
    Faust Member Posts: 47 Devotee WiFi Icon

    @sri369 My configuration is literally in the OP, as well as most of the other info you're asking.

    System disk is 16% free, it behaved the same with 20+ free.

    Virtual memory is turned off, I don't need it. Behaves same with it turned on, including when I had other RAM (16 gb) and virtual memory was always on.

    Windows logo doesn't appear at all, it goes straight from Acer to lock screen.

  • sri369
    sri369 ACE Posts: 2,855 Pathfinder
    edited January 6


    I meant more of technical aspects.

    What is your SSD speed - this matters the most.

    Turning bitlocker on and off doesn't effect speed more than a second or two.

    What is your RAM speed - this matters the most.

    Virtual memory - do not disable this; legacy apps may fail; however you may set it to a small amount - like 2 to 8 GB.

    What is the status of windows Search and SysMain services? If you don't use from a business/work angle, you may as well disable this.

    How is your drive set up? Do you have multiple partitions or is the whole system set up on one giant 2 TB disk?

    You have a good system, and that boot time indicates something seriously wrong with you current setup if your system takes over 30 seconds to show login screen.

    What kind of programs do you have on your systems? Are there any set up to start with system? How many of these can be set up for delayed start? How many can be set up to manual mode?

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  • Faust
    Faust Member Posts: 47 Devotee WiFi Icon
    edited January 6

    Sorry, but most of your questions are a bit off. 34 seconds is not normal when laptops 10 years older with OBVIOUSLY far inferior SSD and RAM speeds can boot faster. Not mentioning KINGSTON SKC3000 was one of the fastest PCIe 4.0 drives on release.

    And I think I know better when to disable virtual memory, I've never had a single problem with it.

    SysMain is disabled as it's useless for SSD. Windows search is enabled as I need it.

    There are 2 SSDs, 1 TB each. System disk has one partition plus whatever Windows creates for itself. The second disk has one partition for files, one recovery partition from another Windows 11 version (just in case) and that version also left EFI partition there after I wiped it. Now THERE can be potential problem if you ask me.

    But most of these are irrelevant - I mean windows services and startup programs - as it's BIOS itself that tooks ages to boot. But just fyi - my system is as clean as possible, startup has only few absolutely necessary apps.

  • StevenGen
    StevenGen ACE Posts: 13,031 Trailblazer
    edited January 6

    Note Faust, that 34 sec is the default normal boot time for these laptops from Acer, for all these PHN16-7x-xxxx model laptops which are completely turned off to the Win-11 login screen. Just as an example, I've got the PHN16-71-50JG model with the i5-13500Hx/RTX4059 upgraded to 64GB total ram @ 2x 32GB DDR5-4800MT/s CL40 type ram and a 1TB Samsung 990 Pro NVMe with Heatsink M.2 SSD Gen 4 x4 drive which these components are this laptops top upgrade composts that you can add for extra speed and responsiveness, and this laptop takes 28.20sec (I timed the boot just for you🤣) tthat is for this laptop to boot from being completely turned off to the Win-11 login screen.

    But then again, what is 5 to 10 seconds of your life worth, is it as critical to wait like you make it out to be and what are your other laptops boot times in Win-11 NOT Win-10 or Win-8.8.1 it has to be the same OS, as an extra few seconds won't be critical to your life😁 Anyway, if you are worried about fractions of seconds boot times, then the specs of your laptop do matter,!

    What specs does your PHN16-72-xxxx model laptop have, like cpu, how much ram and which boot drive do you have, bios, OS (should have Win-11 24H2 OS build 25/‎12/‎2024, latest NVidia Drivers) as and if you have the oem OS with no updates and its oem PCIe4x4 M.2 boot drive and the oem 16GB ram @ 2x 8GB DDR5-5600MT/s type ram then your laptop will boot slower than with the latest updates and a top performing boot drive and more ram. Good luck and hope this helps you out👍.

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  • Rammstein
    Rammstein Member Posts: 10 New User

    sounds like you might have faulty ram, have you tried it with just one ram stick then tried the other to see if one hangs more. ive seen on other posts in the forum that ram has been faulty in some at purchase. i have the exact same pc other than the 2tb disk. im assuming you replaced this yourself? perhaps try reseating it. check to see what speeds its meant to achieve. for information my machine boots up to windows screen in approx 13 seconds.

  • Faust
    Faust Member Posts: 47 Devotee WiFi Icon

    @stevengen please provide a source to your claim that 30+ seconds os normal for these laptops and why it is.

    @rammstein I've already mentioned the RAM is replaced and it made no difference. And of course I properly test all my RAM

  • StevenGen
    StevenGen ACE Posts: 13,031 Trailblazer
    edited January 6

    That is how these laptops are out of the box, as my PH16-71 (just received 4 weeks ago has the Win-11 23H2 version OS) and they are sluggish and slow out of the box, they need to be setup properly with new bios and all the appropriate updates, also it docent say anywhere that 30+ seconds is the oem boot time, but you tell me where it says that the boot time should be 30 seconds of less? I've given you the boot time of my PHN16-71-50JG model from the laptop being completely turned off to the Win-11 login screen.

    Also and a 13 seconds boot time quoted by Rammstein above is highly unlikely as its 2/3 faster than my laptop which imo is impossible, unless you have nothing loading at startup but even then its a bit exaggerated with a Win-11 OS. If you can get it to 23 sec0nds boot you will be doing well, but you should turn off all startup files in Task Manager that take up time for the boot process as I haven't done that. Also, what is all the spam above of the repeated"@ramrammstein@ramrammstein…???"

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  • Faust
    Faust Member Posts: 47 Devotee WiFi Icon

    I am glad you admit 23 seconds is possible. It would satisfy me.

    Now, what is you suggestion regarding what's wrong and not optimized on my PC? I am setting up and optimizing computers since 2003 and never had such a problem, and never expected to see it on the most powerfull machine I ever had.

  • StevenGen
    StevenGen ACE Posts: 13,031 Trailblazer
    edited January 6

    Its the startup part of your Win-11 that determines the boot time and of course the specs of your PC, like ram and speed of the cpu, so open Task Manager and disable all in the Startup apps and see, but don't blame me if your laptop doesn't boot, as I've never disabled all the Startup apps in Task Manager and I've never had a 23sec boot time, as it really doesn't matter to me how long it takes for my laptop to boot, as 28.2 sec that my laptop boots at, is plenty quick enough, I'm not in an OS boot time race with anybody 😁btw I'm not admitting that a 23sec is possible, I just quoted a time!

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  • Faust
    Faust Member Posts: 47 Devotee WiFi Icon

    ^I thought telling that I'm dealing with optimizing since 2003 would be enough to understand that everything in startup that can be disabled - IS disabled, but I guess I should just tell it straight - my Win11 installation is up-to-date and fully optimized regarding apps and services. Please do not suggest any standard procedures or actions as they all have been done or tried long time ago and maybe even more than once.

    There is something specific, either related to BIOS or to hardware configuration like my SSDs. But forget about SSD or RAM speeds, their specs are more than enough, they have nothing to do with it.

    And no, this is not about boot SPEED, I couldn't care less about how fast my system boots, that is the reason I'm only looking at it now, after about 6 months of using the system. It's about what this speed actually INDICATES, i.e. - potential issues.

  • StevenGen
    StevenGen ACE Posts: 13,031 Trailblazer

    Just to explain to you also, as I’m a retired computer engineer and have been in the technology industry and computers for 40 years and since 1985, and with my experience people have done all sorts of things, so don’t tell me anything, as I’ve heard it all, but I’ve never dealt with someone that is worried about fractions of seconds of boot time and if it his system doesn’t boot in 20 seconds he is worried that things will be faulty in the future? That is just not true as there is no set time limit for the Win-11 to boot, go online and search as there are no definite answers for a boot time.

    Your boot time not booting like you think that it should do in 20sec or under, which is ridiculous, makes no difference as this is how these laptops boot and “whatever time your boot times is?” and if your laptop doesn’t boot 5-10 seconds quicker is not a sign that your laptop is faulty and/or that its a sign that a component will have a fault in the future, I’ve never ever heard and/or experienced that ever. in 40 years of using computers

    As I’ve told you my oem out of the box PHN16-71 was booting at around 35 plus or minus seconds and now because of major upgrades (cost like AUD $650.00) of its M.2 upgrade and ram upgrade the laptop is booting at 28.2 which is “great, wonderful and terrific, whippy do dah, I’m jumping up and down with joy” but it makes no difference, as all these fractions of seconds of boot time mean nothing, but and if my and your laptop took 45 seconds or more and minutes to boot, it’s a different thing as then there is a software or a hardware problem that could be holding back the boot process. So don't worry as you are worrying about an insignificant thing that a few minuscule seconds makes no difference🤣. Sit down and use your fine and high spec laptop normally and enjoy your laptop like it should be enjoyed and used, don’t try to fix something that aint broke!

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  • Faust
    Faust Member Posts: 47 Devotee WiFi Icon
    edited January 6

    ^Now please sit down and read the OP carefully one more time. It was never about Win11 boot, it is about BIOS boot which has 14 seconds of 34 total. Of course maybe a bit less as it's hard to spot when actual Windows boot begins. Still, this is what's NOT normal. And all people do in this thread is blabbering about Win11 startup programs and how slow Win11 is to boot. While I believe Win11 has little to do with it.

    I think maybe all these years since 1985 start to show. You seriously need to start thinking out of the box :)

  • StevenGen
    StevenGen ACE Posts: 13,031 Trailblazer
    edited January 6

    What you are saying is still irrelevant to most users, as that is how bios are designed for most computers on the market today, and I'm sure that if there were any critical flow on problems manufacturers like Acer would have looked into this long term problem and fixed these issues up over the years. Just remember that most of the users even know how to reflssh a bios properly (as they brick their systems allot of the times, even with the automated .exe bios flash available today😁 by Acer) never mind knowing what the bios programs consists of, sure that there are specialist sites that talk and know about all bios related things, like bios mods which this subject might come up, as they have a "Training the Next Generation of BIOS Modders" which could be very useful for you and others.

    So why don’t you go onto that site and post your query there ‘about bios and boot time’ and see what the expert program modders and members answers are, as that site is very informative as far as bios issues are concerned as these people do have solutions. as they specialize in bios programming and mods.

    I've been mainly associated with hardware more than software design and applications, as far as the intricacies of software design and bios is concerned, I’ve left it to the experts, so that is why I haven’t dealt with this and can’t be an expert to advice anyone on something that I don’t have expertise on, I know how to change and/or program a bios chip and an EC chip but that is about as far as my expertise is and/or ever needed to go in computers. Good luck and hope you find a solution and if you do, maybe do a write up on Acer community about this subject!

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  • Faust
    Faust Member Posts: 47 Devotee WiFi Icon

    @StevenGen thanks, maybe it IS better to try and post there.

  • sri369
    sri369 ACE Posts: 2,855 Pathfinder

    Many people on here have been dealing with systems from before that. Personally, I have been dealing with PCs from the 286 era.

    What I would suggest is than come across saying "don't repeat what I know", skip that part and see if what is mentioned has something you could use. There are many a times even experts may overlook on small items.

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  • Faust
    Faust Member Posts: 47 Devotee WiFi Icon
    Answer ✓

    So I dropped the idea of fixing my boot time because I had more important things to do.

    Today I decided to look one more time but before posting anywhere else decided to check my BIOS one more time.

    And… This darn Fast Boot was on! I swear I switched it off and then checked several times, but… It is what it is, I don't know how this happened and I how I managed to not notice it for so long. Don't ask me.

    After switching it off the Boot process now behaves normally, and the boot time is standard 24 seconds.

    Thanks for your attention and sorry for making this much noise because of my silly head.