AN515-54-facing performance/bad optimization issue with this config. with Win11-while playing PUBG.

dulic93 Member Posts: 33 Enthusiast WiFi Icon
edited December 1 in Nitro Gaming

I have acer nitro 5 AN515-54 with intel core i5-9300H and Ge Force GTX1650 4Gb. I only play PUBG and with this spec it should be go easy and smooth, but it is not. I have frame drop many times, which freaks me up, and what has got me crazy, no matter if I set low graphic setting, or medium or high, it is same, the frame is same. How is that possible? I have only a discord on when I am playing, acer care center, and that is that. Also, must say, I reinstall windows and have windows 11, and it is not smooth. It has bugs, same time I must 3-4 time click to icon to open, when I use right click on desktop, it needs 2-3 second to open. On windows 10 I don't have these problems. And yes, I install WIN 11 from start, not upgraded from WIN 10. Any solution?

[Edited the thread to add model name and issue detail to the title]
