5600u audio problems
Experiencing Audio problems with new 5600U.. When I reboot, the sound comes on and the system boots up great, but after login and programs load on the desktop, the sound will not come on for videos, Youtube, etc.. only after I click the volume button about 5-10 times does the sound engage, but won't turn on for any of the applications.. Very frustrating trying to find out the answer.
It sounds to me as if something is loading and disabling sound or taking volume to zero.
Is the volume always reset to zero or something else?
Is it being muted?
What software is loading when you start the system?
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I have also experienced the same problem, I have also started a video clip on youtube and there was no sound, i waited a few seconds then the sound started, when to the beginning and there was sound.
I get this VERY often, even clicking the volumn control which makes the machine ping does nothing sometimes.
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Isnt there anyone else experiencing this? its becomming a bit of a pain and there doesnt seem to be any updates from Acer about this.
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and another issue with the audio, once it finally does start playing sound, after the clip has finished the speaker still 'hiss' I have put them on mute and you can still hear them hissing away.
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Ive already returned one 5600u bac to acer, will i have to for this too?
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hello, is there anybody there, audio problems on 5600u, support problems on acer forum!
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I am having a similar problem appears no audio/sound is coming from the speakers. You tube / mps3's nothing quite as a mouse.
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I solved my problem by going to the control panel> hardware and sounds >> sounds >> selected Spearkers Realtek High definition audio as the default device definition Audio and it worked. What a waste of time doing a chat session twice all I got from them was reinstall the audio drivers.