Device reboots automatically when its connected with 2 BT devices.

Tania777dobrova Member Posts: 9


edited June 26 in Swift and Spin Series


Это худшая компания для ПК! Это компания [Содержимое удалено]! с больными людьми на заводах! так что всем, кто работает в асере [контент удален] Я никогда не видел ноутбука, который перезагружается, если к нему подключены два устройства по Bluetooth, я никогда не видел ПК, на котором не запускались бы игры при включенном Bluetooth! [Содержимое удалено]


This is the worst company for PC! This is a [Content Removed] company! with sick people in factories! so that everyone who works in the acer [Content Removed] I have never seen a laptop that reboots if two devices are connected to it via Bluetooth, I have never seen a PC that does not launch games while Bluetooth is on! [Content Removed]

[Translated using google]

[Edited the content to hide sensitive information]


  • StevenGen
    StevenGen ACE Posts: 11,630 Trailblazer

    Прежде чем мы сможем что-либо посоветовать, какой номер модели вашего ноутбука? Так как я уверен, что вы делаете что-то не так или на вашем ноутбуке плохой драйвер Bluetooth или карта. Предоставьте нам более подробную информацию, чтобы мы могли вам помочь. Удачи.

    Before we can advise you on anything, what is your laptop model number? As I’m sure that you are doing something wrong or or your laptop has a bad Bluetooth driver or card. Give us more details so that we can help you. Good luck.

    Если это ответ на ваш вопрос и решение вашего вопроса, пожалуйста, нажмите «Да» или «Мне нравится», если вы найдете мой ответ полезным👍

  • Tania777dobrova
    Tania777dobrova Member Posts: 9


    I will not give you anything! I always knew you were a bad company for the production of computers. why on Asus or Lenovo I did not have such problems, as soon as I turned on your laptop I faced many problems that I had not experienced before. yesterday was my last nerve, I ordered myself another computer from another firm. And the video of the destruction of your calculator in the form of a laptop I will soon upload to YouTube and send you for viewing!

  • Tania777dobrova
    Tania777dobrova Member Posts: 9


    your computers are warming up simply because they are turned on and do nothing... you are a terrible company! announce bankruptcy and disappear please! Do not sell or manufacture anything else!

  • StevenGen
    StevenGen ACE Posts: 11,630 Trailblazer

    🤣очень жаль, что вы так себя чувствуете Tania777dobrova, потому что если вы знаете, как обслуживать, обновлять, настраивать и обслуживать свой игровой ноутбук Nitro AN517-55, то у вас не будет этих проблем с перегревом, на этом форуме есть много руководств о том, как снизить температуру игровых ноутбуков, поэтому, пожалуйста, посмотрите их. Удачи👍

    🤣that is very unfortunate that you feel this way Tania777dobrova, because if you know how to maintain, update, setup and upkeep your Nitro AN517-55 gaming laptop then you wouldn't have these overheating problems, there are many guides of how to reduce gaming laptops temps on this forum so please look them up. Good luck👍

    Если это ответ на ваш вопрос и решение вашего вопроса, пожалуйста, нажмите «Да» или «Мне нравится», если вы найдете мой ответ полезным👍

  • Tania777dobrova
    Tania777dobrova Member Posts: 9


    An ill-bred boy, I for 2 years with Asus had no problems, I for 2 years with LENOVO had no problems such as with your laptop that just got off the box.
    I change laptops almost every two years, I decided to take your company and you once again proved to me that you are not competent people and do not know how to collect quality goods!!
    Keep your forum and useful tips for yourself!
    I’ve already ordered new components for the home station.
    I’ve never had problems with laptops, and I’ve been buying notebooks for 15 years and always been fine until I bought your calculator!!
    I also use 5 urine fans for a laptop to keep it warm, but your competence exceeded the power of my additional fans!!I always said that you are a bad company, and now I will speak even more about it, everywhere, on forums, in social networks, and personal conversations with people and will do it as often as possible and as louder as possible!!!

  • Tania777dobrova
    Tania777dobrova Member Posts: 9


    What do you say? Have you made sure that your PCs are compared to a calculator?

  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 33,640 Trailblazer

    I believe it's already been stated, but can't hurt to say again: you aren't talking with any Acer employees. We are all just other Acer users. If you are having issues then your best bet is to contact Acer to get them resolved.

    Click on "Like" if you find my answer useful or click on "Yes" if it answers your question.
  • Tania777dobrova
    Tania777dobrova Member Posts: 9


    How do they write directly?
    and you as users of these calculators I feel sorry for you and your whole family!

  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 33,640 Trailblazer

    You have to connect to Acer on their support website for your locale. Your issue seems to be pretty unique, at least I've never had a machine that crashes when two Bluetooth devices are connected at once. My guess is one or both of those devices use a buggy driver and the driver is what is causing the crash. From what you have posted you seem to have one of the AN517-55 models. There are two different designs for those, the earlier ones use DDR4 memory, the later DDR5. What I see in the specs though is that no models shipped with an i9-12900 CPU, only the i3, i5 and i7 Alder Lake-S chips. The CPU is soldered in, so I don't see how you could have changed it…

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  • Tania777dobrova
    Tania777dobrova Member Posts: 9


    Thank you for your detailed response.
    I have speakers not from China, I have JBL extrem and AirPods Max headphones or other laptops of other brands I have not encountered such problems.
    I’ve always preferred laptops to home stations. but now because of this low-quality brand that calls itself ACER I have to build a full home station for work and a little for the needle.
    Laptop I bought in Germany except RAM and additional SSD I did not change anything. CPU was already. I have and the box have

    Please tell me how can I directly support this calculator disguised as a computer? I’d like to give them my own opinions!

  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 33,640 Trailblazer

    If you bought the laptop in Germany you will either need to contact the German Acer support people or use the international warranty and contact the support people where you are. I don't see any reason why you wouldn't be able to have two audio output devices connected simultaneously via Bluetooth, though you should only be able to listen to one at a time. The CPU you have installed is correct after all, the H model is the low power version, with a 35W minimum draw and 45W base. It's not listed in the service guide, so was likely used just for models outside the USA and Canada

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  • Tania777dobrova
    Tania777dobrova Member Posts: 9


    Thank you for your reply and for the recommendation, but I already have too much time to drag to work with this laptop to solve some more problems. I will not either, I have now spent 3,000 euros to buy strong components for a home PC. I am the first in my life to assemble a home PC at the age of 35, I have always read notes and nowhere have I experienced such problems as with this brand called ACER. Once I have my new harpoon, I will fill this ACER with gasoline and burn it and post a video on YouTube to prove that ACER is homo!

    I turned on my spear two hours ago this morning, and there was nothing open except for my brother, and it overheated to 105 degrees

    I don’t want to work with this computer anymore, so I’m not even gonna try to do something about it. Monday I changed the thermopaste but it did not help. Although the computer only 4 months

  • StevenGen
    StevenGen ACE Posts: 11,630 Trailblazer

    Hey Tania777dobrova you must have gotten a bad laptop that Acer will change or fix under warranty. I connect JBL BT speakers and headphones to all my Acer laptops and it works 100% and get an unbelievable sound.

    If this answers your question and solved your query please "Click on Yes" or "Click on Like" if you find my answer useful👍

  • Tania777dobrova
    Tania777dobrova Member Posts: 9


    Thank you. but I will not waste your precious time on warranty repairs and pending repairs.
    I’ve bought many spearmen in my life. In 2010 I had experience with this firm, and this experience was sad, 14 years have passed but there is no change in this firm. I don’t know how this firm still exists on the market, and why the CEO of the firm wasn’t killed
    If you look at the messages above, you will see that I have already bought components from the ASUS company, with the motherboard and with the video card from ASUS I will collect a real computer that will work and will make large projects without heating up. and this laptop from ACER heats up just because it’s turned on...
    I’m going to put on YouTube a video of me burning ACER on a big fire. This firm is not worthy of producing computers.