AN515-55 getting WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR constantly, but never showing dump file due to volmgr 161

BurnerKot Member Posts: 4 New User

Note that this is an older computer I don't really care for so in the very probable case that this computer is beyond messed up i'm scrapping it.

I've been having a problem with this laptop for a while that just decided to break after around a year of using it. A couple months after getting it the nvidia gpu dies, and a couple more months after that I start getting a string of random bsod codes (most I forgot the name of), times where the computer doesn't POST, and most commonly whea_uncorrectable errors. They usually happen every other day but get more consistent the more I use this computer. I wanted extra info (because no dump file) so I modified the registry to DisplayParameters. The next time it crashed I got these parameters (image below).

Is the cpu (and probably motherboard) just fried? Not really aiming to fix it I just really want to know what exactly went wrong with this thing.
