How can I change Windows Recovery Environment language? PO3-620

CopperSky Member Posts: 11



Is there a safe and easy way to change Windows Recovery Environment language?

Thank you,


  • Puraw
    Puraw ACE, Member Posts: 15,741 Trailblazer

    If you have set Windows language to English WindowsRE will be in English, if you have WindowsRE on a flash drive that you borrowed or was made on a non-English Windows PC than that WindowsRE will be in a foreign language, make a new USB Recovery disk on another PC that has the language you want and the same Windows version. Insert a 10GB flash drive in the USB2.0 port of that PC and in Windows type Recovery disk. Takes about 40 minutes to create.

  • CopperSky
    CopperSky Member Posts: 11


    Thank you for your answer @Puraw

    Maybe I used the wrong name for the thing I want to change. I want to change the language of this environment to English. I don't normally use a flash drive for this, I just press SHIFT when I click the restart button.

    I can successfully change the language everywhere I can see except WinRE (if I name it correctly).

  • Puraw
    Puraw ACE, Member Posts: 15,741 Trailblazer

    You used the correct name it is WindowsRE or WindowsPE; the Windows recovery OS. Either the original Windows OS installed was in German and later upgraded to a new Windows version in English. Shift + Restart loads WindowsRE from the recovery volume on the boot drive. To change that you have to reinstall Windows (Reset this PC losing your files) but backup the boot drive first to a USB 4TB backup drive. You can also try this (from MS answers):

  • CopperSky
    CopperSky Member Posts: 11


    I tried these solutions but failed. I guess I'll leave it as is. It is also very possible that I couldn't try the second solution properly. Thanks for your time.