predator sense app shows cant change the options

체다치즈 Member Posts: 5 New User
edited May 2024 in Predator Laptops


Predator Sense 앱을 켜면 이런식으로 화면이 나오고 옵션 변경이 안됩니다.. ㅠㅠ

현재 윈도우11인데.. 처음엔 잘 됐는데 어느 순간부터 작동이 안되네요..

어떻게 해야할까요. 도움 구해봅니다.


When you turn on the Predator Sense app, a screen like this appears and you cannot change options.
I'm currently using Windows 11. At first it worked fine, but at some point it started to look like this. What should I do?

[Translated using Google]
