My acer laptop (SFX14-41G) isn't booting up

mv3r Member Posts: 10


My acer swift x doesn't turn on, when I try to hold the power button it just glows for 5 seconds then goes off. (I haven't used the laptop in ages and I turned it on to see this, also I'm out of warranty)

I've tried pressing down the battery hole at the bottom of the laptop, charging it, taking off battery and cmos and display cable and putting them back in to no avail.

Is there any other solutions I can try before trying to get a technician to see it?


  • Puraw
    Puraw ACE, Member Posts: 15,717 Trailblazer

    As you haven't used the laptop for years the battery may be dead, do you see the amber battery LED comes on when the adapter is plugged in? Replace the battery or take the laptop and charger to Acer Services in your country it may have a hardware problem.

  • mv3r
    mv3r Member Posts: 10


    The last time I used it was 4 months ago, I have tried charging it from orange to blue all the way and still does not go on. I might try replacing the battery.

  • Puraw
    Puraw ACE, Member Posts: 15,717 Trailblazer

    If the laptop was not fully shutdown or just suspended, in hybrid (Fast Startup) mode or a USB port kept being charged (Acer Quick Access) the battery may have a dead cell. I would replace the battery first before bringing the laptop to Acer Services, the power adapter could also be faulty.

  • mv3r
    mv3r Member Posts: 10


    Can I take out the battery and turn it on only with the charger?

  • mv3r
    mv3r Member Posts: 10


    accidentally pressed yes sorry

  • mv3r
    mv3r Member Posts: 10


    also when opening up my laptop I remember taking out the metal ram covers (I don't remember why I did this) will this affect how it turns on?

  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,677 Trailblazer

    First try the full battery reset. Disconnect everything including the charger, press and hold the reset for 15-30 seconds then release. Wait a while, 15-30 minutes then plug only the charger in. Wait for the indicator to show a full charge (blue), then try turning it back on.

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  • mv3r
    mv3r Member Posts: 10


  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,677 Trailblazer

    OK, so many people just skip past the wait times, the internal data in the battery doesn't actually get reset. Since you are getting the appropriate indicators when the battery is charging then we can probably assume the charge circuit itself is OK. There are a couple of different design philosophies that they can use on laptops. One is to always run off the battery and only use the charge circuit to charge. Another is to run on AC when available and only switch to battery when the charger is disconnected. In the first case you can't power it up if the battery is physically removed, in the second you can. It sounds like you get an indication that the power button is doing something, since it light the system status LED when you first press power. That means the power button itself is likely working. Since you don't seem to get any beeps or screen display the system isn't getting to the point where it can start POST. One of the very first steps POST takes is to initialize memory and it fails with a continuous beep if that fails. It's possible the CMOS is corrupted, so it's code doesn't get executed. Here's where the clear CMOS jumper is:

    Take it apart, disconnect the battery and jump between those two pads to make sure the CMOS is reset. Reconnect the battery and reassemble then try booting into the BIOS.

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  • mv3r
    mv3r Member Posts: 10


    The laptop seems to charge just fine, yes.

    I have tried taking the battery out and using it with AC, it does display the blue power light for 5 seconds and turns off (same with battery) although I only tried this with 45w as I don't currently have the original 90w charger (I ordered one a couple days ago)

    Also, just to clarify "jumping" means to short the 2 pads under CLRP1 correct?

  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,677 Trailblazer

    Yes, jumpering between the two pads.

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  • mv3r
    mv3r Member Posts: 10


    Unfortunately nothing happend. I just tried this twice now but whats odd is that the two times I did it and replugged the AC the charging light would be orange for like 10 minutes then go blue, this usually doesn't happen as it usually instantly turns blue when i put on the AC.

  • mv3r
    mv3r Member Posts: 10


    Also quick question, is this water damage?

  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,677 Trailblazer

    That looks like flux, so the component was reworked at some point. That might be from the factory or from a prior repair. You can see how it's a little bit crooked on the pads and has larger solder blobs.

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  • mv3r
    mv3r Member Posts: 10


    Yeah I thought that too, is this the reason why the laptop isnt turning on?

  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,677 Trailblazer

    Unlikely, but possible…

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