The camera on my Aspire 7 A715-43g doesn't work, despite reinstalling Windows. What to do?

chryselers Member Posts: 2 New User
edited May 6 in Aspire Laptops


Die Kamera an meinem Aspire 7 funktioniert nicht, trotz win-Neuinstallation. Was tun?


The camera on my Aspire 7 doesn't work, despite reinstalling Windows. What to do?

[Edited the content using Google translator]

[Edited the thread to add model number to the title]


  • Puraw
    Puraw ACE, Member Posts: 9,210 Trailblazer

    Welches Modell und Baujahr hat Ihr Aspire7-Laptop? Haben Sie vielleicht ein Upgrade von W10 auf W11 durchgeführt? Windows 11 hat Probleme, ältere integrierte Webcams zu erkennen. Dieser Fehler wurde im neuesten Update W11 23H2, Version 22361.3527 (vom 23. April 2024), behoben.

    Translated: What is your Aspire7 full laptop model and year, did you perhaps upgrade from W10 to W11? Windows11 has issues detecting older integrated webcams, this bug has been fixed in the latest update W11 23H2 version 22361.3527 (from April 23, 2024).

  • chryselers
    chryselers Member Posts: 2 New User
    edited May 6

    Aspire 7 A715-43g ROBR - Vor zwei Monaten in Ahrensburg bei der Deutschland-Vertretung gekauft. Windwos 11 von Anfang an, zuerst hat die Kamera funktioniert, jetzt nicht mehr, trotz Neuinstallation. Kamera-Treiber auch neuinstalliert.

    Bought two months ago in Ahrensburg from the German representative. Windows 11 from the beginning, at first the camera worked, now it doesn't, despite reinstalling it. Camera drivers also reinstalled.