Product already registered on the site Acer Swift 14 OLED

VincenzoD Member Posts: 5


edited March 2024 in Swift and Spin Series


Salve,oggi mi è arrivato il notebook acer swift 14 oled comprato su amazon e volevo registrarlo sul sito.Ma inserendo sia il codice S/N che quello SNID il prodotto mi risulta già registrato.Plausibile che sia usato?sarebbe una cosa gravissima che devo contestare immediatamente


Hi, today I received the Acer Swift 14 OLED notebook bought on Amazon and I wanted to register it on the site. But by entering both the S/N and SNID code the product is already registered. Is it plausible that it is used? It would be a very serious thing that I have to dispute immediately

[Edited using google translator]


  • Puraw
    Puraw ACE, Member Posts: 14,475 Trailblazer

    Translated: Hi, today I received the Acer Swift 14 OLED notebook bought on Amazon and I wanted to register it on the site. But by entering both the S/N and SNID code the product is already registered. Is it plausible that it is used? It would be a very serious thing that I have to dispute immediately.

    Reply: Make sure you register in the country where you live and enter the Serial Number. There is sometimes a backlog, try again later. If you initiate the laptop online with your profile and e-mail address in your country it should do the registration automatically, just wait till you get a confirmation by e-mail from Acer Support. If still registration issues, contact the vendor with Amazon or directly Amazon.

  • VincenzoD
    VincenzoD Member Posts: 5


    edited March 2024


    Grazie mille per la risposta,come faccio a registrare il prodotto come dice online automaticamente.Non ho capito la procedura


    Thank you very much for your reply, how do I register the product as it says online automatically. I didn't understand the procedure

    [Edited using Google]

  • Puraw
    Puraw ACE, Member Posts: 14,475 Trailblazer

    Translated: Thank you very much for your reply, how do I register the product as it says online automatically. I didn't understand the procedure.

    Reply: If you have set up the laptop for the first time with your profile online and e-mail address the registration will be automatically confirmed by e-mail from Acer Support in your country, but it may take a few days.

    Translated: Se hai configurato il laptop per la prima volta con il tuo profilo online e l'indirizzo e-mail, la registrazione verrà automaticamente confermata tramite e-mail dal supporto Acer nel tuo paese, ma potrebbero essere necessari alcuni giorni.

  • VincenzoD
    VincenzoD Member Posts: 5


    edited March 2024

    Grazie mille,un altra domanda.All accensione del pc sento l'ssd o non sono sicuro se sia quello "gracchiare" come un normale hard disk. La cosa mi preoccupa un po,vengo da un HP e mai avuto problemi di questo genere.


    Thank you very much, another question. When I turn on the PC I hear the SSD or I'm not sure if it's "crackling" like a normal hard disk. This worries me a bit, I come from an HP and have never had problems of this kind.

    [Translated using Google]

  • Alejandro_AC
    Alejandro_AC ACE Posts: 13,813 Trailblazer

    Ciao @VincenzoD contatta l'ufficio Acer nel tuo paese, potranno risolvere il problema di registrazione:

    Controlla anche queste informazioni:

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  • VincenzoD
    VincenzoD Member Posts: 5


    edited March 2024

    Ho gi contattato ieri acer inviando una email.Grazie per la risposta


    I already contacted Acer yesterday by sending an email. Thanks for the reply

    [Translated using Google]

  • Alejandro_AC
    Alejandro_AC ACE Posts: 13,813 Trailblazer

    Please tell me how everything is going.

    Per favore, dimmi come stanno andando le cose.

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  • VincenzoD
    VincenzoD Member Posts: 5


    edited March 2024


    nulla,acer mi ha chiesto di inviare la richiesta a un altro indirizzo.

    “Risposta entro 30 giorni”

    Io vorrei saperne di più.voglio capire perché il prodotto risulta già registrato e andrò fino in fondo perché non mi è mai capitato una cosa del genere,mai.

    Sono stato possessore di diversi prodotti,acer è il secondo ma non da possessore ,a casa i miei genitori avevano un desktop fisso.

    Ero indeciso tra acer e Asus,ho voluto dare fiducia ad acer.

    Speriamo almeno si facciano perdonare in qualche modo,che mi diano qualche risposta.


    nothing, acer asked me to send the request to another address. “Reply within 30 days”

    I would like to know more. I want to understand why the product is already registered and I will get to the bottom of it because something like this has never happened to me, ever.

    I have been the owner of several products, Acer is the second but not as an owner, my parents had a fixed desktop at home.

    I was undecided between Acer and Asus, I wanted to put my trust in Acer. Let's hope at least they make amends in some way, that they give me some answers.

    [Translated using Google]

  • Alejandro_AC
    Alejandro_AC ACE Posts: 13,813 Trailblazer

    Mi dispiace per quello che sta succedendo, spero che tu possa risolverlo con Acer, non ho mezzi da parte della community per aiutare con questo problema.
    Ti auguriamo tutto il meglio.

    • Un saludo / All the best
    • Haga clic en "Me gusta" si mi respuesta fue útil o márquela como solución si se resolvió, ¡gracias!
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    • Please click "Like" if my answer was helpful or mark it as solution if it was solved, thanks!
    • Pro bono contributor, I do not work or speak on behalf of Acer
    • MVP de MSFT (2003-21) & Windows Insider & (alezmvp)