Trying to fix 'no bootable device' through bootable USB. When tried it says not available.

e123 Member Posts: 7


edited December 2023 in Aspire Laptops

I am able to boot laptop through the USB. I have clicked Repair Computer —> Troubleshoot and tried these things:
1. Startup Repair: Comes up with "Startup Repair couldn't repair your PC."
2. System Restore: Comes up with "To use [this], you must specify which Windows installation to restore. Restart this computer, select an operating system, and then select System Restore." But I don't think I can do that if I'm stuck on "no bootable device."

Then, I downloaded Installation Media (Windows 10) onto my USB (using another laptop), but when I click Install Now —> Upgrade: Install Windows and keep files, setting, and applications, it says it's "not available if you start your computer using Windows Installation media."

This left me no choice but to click Custom: Install Windows only (advanced), meaning I would lose all my personal files. But then it comes up with "Windows can't be installed on this drive" because "this partition is too small. Make [it] at least 10534 MB or select another partition." It appears my drive (the only partition to select) is only 20 MB for both total size and free space.

I have no idea what to do here. I just want to fix the 'no bootable device' error so I can access my personal files without losing them… Help please!!

[Edited the thread to add issue detail]
