Upgrading Aspire One 721 : need "deep" Ram specifications

Sibbor Member Posts: 1 New User

Hello world!
I'm new to this community and this is my fisrt post; I hope not to breake any rules in writing this post. I also spologize for my english but it is not my first language so... Smiley Happy

I am willing to upgrade my Aspire One but I couldn't read anywhere wich is the maximum speed capacity of the memory slots, I read that the natives memory runs at 1066 but I was wondering if I could mount some 1333's.
#Quoting your site's page of my laptop specs: "This system is bundled with DDR3 1066 MHz memory; however, memory speed may vary depending on CPU/chipset support."

another thing is that I wanted to mount a pair of 4 gb(4+4) but my doubt is if the motherboard will support them....
I know that OS's are limited and blablabla but i don't care because i will run 64 bit linux (on SSD) on my laptop (and i hope i won't have those kind of prolbmes)...

#Quoting your site's page of my laptop specs: "Up to 2 GB of DDR3 system memory upgradable to 4 GB using two soDIMM modules (for Windows® 7 Home Premium and Basic)"
so my question was just if the machine i've got will not complain if i will mount on her 8 GB of ram..

I think that is all, thanks for the attention, i hope somebody can answer my problems Smiley Happy
thanks to the future answer to this post,

Best regards!


  • marcstrand
    marcstrand Member Posts: 1 New User

    I can tell you that the Acer Aspire One 721-3574 model will indeed accept and use 8GB of RAM, because that's what I have in my machine.  I'm using 2 Crucial 4GB memory sticks, number CT512648C1339.16FMR, which are 1333 (PC3 10600).  My OS is Windows 7 Home Premium.  There is a downside to using 8 GB of RAM though, namely a decrease in the time that the battery lasts before needing a recharge.


    I bought my memory on Amazon.com. Here is a link to the product:  http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003DZJQQI/ref=oh_details_o05_s01_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1, or you can just search for "ct2kit51264bc1339".


    Hope this info helps.

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