For FirmwareType, does Acer use 0 and 1 for Legacy Boot and UEFI, respectively, or 1 and 2?
On an Acer computer, C:\Windows\Panther\Setupact.log has:
"Detected boot environment: 1." instead of "Detected boot environment: BIOS" or "Detected boot environment: EFI." Some computer manufacturers use 0 and 1 for Legacy BIOS and UEFI, respectively, but others use 1 and 2. Does Acer use 0 and 1, in which case 1 is UEFI, or 1 and 2, in which case 1 is BIOS? The Boot tab in BIOS has only the boot priority order, not the boot mode. The Microsoft System Information interface (msinfo32) doesn't show boot mode.