Notebook wont restar after installing AMD latest driver

Lukk3N Member Posts: 20 Networker

So my notebook is not restarting once I switch from Acer APU driver to AMD APU driver. Used the AMD driver for quite a while, but due to unstable performance I switched over to Acer driver to test it. But now as it keeps being unstable, I tried to reinstall the AMD driver but once I do I can't restart the machine. I've reinstalled it around 20PM yesterday, and the had to reinstall my windows all over again. Tried again at 22PM and, again, had to reinstall the windows on my machine. Should I maybe contact the warranty support? Because a while back I did switched between then whit little to no issues. Is there anything more I can do to use AMD drivers without those issues?


  • Lukk3N
    Lukk3N Member Posts: 20 Networker

    I even created a restore point to maybe use one older version of AMD adrenalin that I've used to install while back, in the hope that maybe I can run it and then later update it to the latest version, Wich I think it's something like 23.8.1, the installer I have is 23.7.1 if I'm not mistaken.