Aspire VN7-593G, unit powers off when unplugged, I am pretty sure my battery is dead

stangman_11 Member Posts: 7


edited October 2023 in Nitro Gaming

Hello all, So I have an Acer Nitro 5 black edition "Aspire VN7-593G" It has been a great laptop and I have made some upgrades to it and it still runs great. However, I noticed that when I unplug it from the wall it instantly shuts off. the battery icon in windows 10 either says 255%, 0% or battery unavailable. I have tried the following after doing some research.

  1. checked for updates — no fix
  2. shut the system down and held the power button for up to a minute —no fix
  3. booted up into the bios, unplugged it —still shuts off instantly —no fix
  4. put a pin in the battery reset button hole for 5 sec. —no fix

At this point I am about to buy another battery for it and go through the hassle of taking this thing back apart (which if anyone has a video to refresh my memory that would be great) unless anyone has anything else I can try?


[Edited the thread to add model name and issue detail]
