my veriton n4640g does nothing but ledpower

nactr Member Posts: 5 New User
edited September 2023 in Aspire and Veriton Desktops

I have a veriton n4640g, on it, i have install w10 without problem, and 10 days later, when i give it to my father, i turn on the pc and .... absolute nothing except led power static and fan turn slowly, nothing at screen ( vga and install with display ) no bip , i tried to change the output and nothing hapend, so maybe like we thay in france : in doubt reboot, and nothing except this led. of course i tried an other screen and yes power is on :)

pc start but bios nop, if i push the power button ( just press not hold ) it turn off instant

I have search in google, can be bad but i try > bios reset with clear cmos, change ssd, change output, search again, try many (ways) push button to turn on

So do you have soluce ?

PS: sorry for my english i'm french and i try write without traductor


  • Larryodie
    Larryodie Member Posts: 1,567 Community Aficionado WiFi Icon

    I assume that you have unplugged all USB including the mouse and keyboard ?

    You may also have a bad ram, locatable by swapping providing you have multiple.

    Try unplug and hold power button for 30 seconds then plug in and power on.

    If that doesn't work the unplug over night and retry.

  • nactr
    nactr Member Posts: 5 New User

    thank to answer, yes already try with plugged or unplugged usb

    i juste have i ram but it's maybe that ( i don't have open pc after install of w10 last month
    i mean that makes 2 weeks last plug in electricity but yes i will try 30 seconds

  • Larryodie
    Larryodie Member Posts: 1,567 Community Aficionado WiFi Icon

    Maybe you can clean the contacts and reseat the ram module ?

  • nactr
    nactr Member Posts: 5 New User
    edited September 2023

    for the start process, fan turn very fast 3 or 4 seconds and back to normal, 2 "bip" of disk led and after nothing except power and his led

    i check the ram and connector but nothing special after cleaning, also change slot for test, not better

  • Larryodie
    Larryodie Member Posts: 1,567 Community Aficionado WiFi Icon

    You say that the fan turns slowly ?

    I read that you have an external power supply. Hopefully that you have a Volt Meter to check the output.

  • nactr
    nactr Member Posts: 5 New User

    19.5v with volt meter, my amper meter is brocken ^^'
    slowly as standby mode

  • Do a Hard Reset, disconnect the adaptor, open the pc and take the bios battery out, then short the bios battery +&- pins to reset the CMOS, take the ram out and the HDD, as all these components could be causing your problems, start the boot process with just the ram and keep adding the remaining components to eliminate any component faults that could be causing this boot problem. If this does show a component fault then its an internal issue that it would be best to take this pc to an experienced technician so that he can analyse the problem with proper tools.

    Check the adaptor if its supplying full power, these are the adaptors for your pc:

  • Larryodie
    Larryodie Member Posts: 1,567 Community Aficionado WiFi Icon

    19.5 is OK under load. Ampmeter is not needed.

    Also I forgot to tell you as SteveGen has.

    To REMOVE THE BATTERY when you unplugged the unit as you need to drain all power.

    Good Luck.

  • nactr
    nactr Member Posts: 5 New User

    oh well, I think it's the adapter, i have a11-065n1a . a friend gave it to me, maybe it's been mistaken for another pc.

    I'll try what SteveGen said

  • Larryodie
    Larryodie Member Posts: 1,567 Community Aficionado WiFi Icon
    edited September 2023

    When you remove the battery try to leave it out and unplugged over night to DRAIN ALL POWER.

    If you battery is 19.5V and steady through the booting then it's OK. Steady is the key, if it's jumping around then it's bad. Good Luck