Predator Orion 5000 PO5-625s Why is my BIOS saying I have two CPU cooling fan?

XBGxmer Member Posts: 15


edited July 2023 in Predator Desktops

I went into my BIOS today to find out a possible cause to another issue I'm having (where my PC fans keep speeding up at completely random times for no reason, and lagging my PC while doing it) and found that my 1st CPU fan is at a normal speed of 550 RPM and my 2nd CPU fan is at 8800 RPM… I don't even have two CPU fans. It's a water cooled PC.

Could this also be related to the issue I mentioned above in the brackets?

Thank you.

[Edited the thread to add model name to the title]


  • StevenGen
    StevenGen ACE Posts: 13,537 Trailblazer

    It would be very informative if you listed your exact desktops model number?

  • GotBanned
    GotBanned Member Posts: 654 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon

    What he said above.

    Maybe the other "fan" is actually the water pump? But then again, I don't know any water pumps that are meant for PC that are supposed to spin that fast.

  • XBGxmer
    XBGxmer Member Posts: 15


  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,677 Trailblazer

    Yes, the CPU_FAN2 connector is use to drive the water pump.

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  • XBGxmer
    XBGxmer Member Posts: 15


    Ah, that makes sense now! Thank you.

    Do you have any idea about how to fix my current issue where my PC fans keep speeding up at completely random times for no reason, and lagging my PC while doing it?

  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,677 Trailblazer

    If the lagging and the fan speed are connected it's actually likely a thermal problem. The fan speeds are controlled to hold the correct temperature and anything that drives the temps up will cause the fans to speed up also, and when the temperature starts into the upper limits things are throttled to keep it from overheating. Are you running a temperature monitoring utility that you can see while the issues appear?

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  • XBGxmer
    XBGxmer Member Posts: 15


    Sorry for the late reply. I do have a temperature monitor called "Core Temp". Whenever the issue happens, I don't see an increase in temperature.

  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,677 Trailblazer

    Are you sure the fan making the noise is off the MB and not on the GPU?

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  • XBGxmer
    XBGxmer Member Posts: 15


    Yeah it's definitely the MB fans and not the GPU.

  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,677 Trailblazer

    OK, do you have any fans installed other than the stock ones? Let's also look at what's connected to the MB:

    CPU fan(s) should be connected to #4, the cooler pump should be connected to #6, the chassis fan(s) should be connected to #10, #23, #28 and #33. From the factory I believe #28 and #33 aren't connected to any fans:

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  • XBGxmer
    XBGxmer Member Posts: 15


    All of it is stock. The fans are connected to #10, #23 and #28 and the water pump is connected to #4. There isn't anything plugged in at #33.

  • GotBanned
    GotBanned Member Posts: 654 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon

    Maybe the noise is coming from the chipset fan, if the board even has one? Chipset is under RAM slots in the picture. Maybe there is a tiny fan under that aluminium heatsink?

  • XBGxmer
    XBGxmer Member Posts: 15


    It's not necessarily a noise that's that's the problem, although it can get quite loud. The fans speed up at random times for no reason and causes the PC to lag.

  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,677 Trailblazer

    It's also possible the fan that's making the noise is a GPU fan, not one driven off the motherboard…

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  • XBGxmer
    XBGxmer Member Posts: 15


    The GPU is making a noise, but that happens rarely and I've heard that it's normal anyway, so that doesn't bother me.

    It's definitely the motherboard fans speeding up, as I can feel more cold air being produced whenever it happens.

  • GotBanned
    GotBanned Member Posts: 654 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon

    Ok. But maybe the chipset fan is acting up up because fan blades or heatsink fins are blocked by dust or there's a bad contact between the chip and the tiny heatsink. Overheating can cause lagging and crashes.

    Small fans can spin really fast and cause a lot of noise… if your chipset even has a fan. Only one way to be sure. Removing heatsink should be easy.

  • XBGxmer
    XBGxmer Member Posts: 15


    My CPU is water cooled and I'm not very confident with water cooling. I don't know much about it either. If it was fan cooled at the CPU, I'd be confident with taking it off to have a look.

  • GotBanned
    GotBanned Member Posts: 654 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon
    edited August 2023

    That's understandable, but there's always a first time for everything.

    If you look at the picture of the motherboard posted above, chipset heatsink is under that silvery piece of metal below ram slots and left from a connector number 14. So you do not need to remove the AIO at all.

    The silvery thing is held in place by two push-pins, or at least it looks like that. If, and that is a BIG if, under that cover is a tiny fan making a lot of noise.

    Look at the video and does the fan make a similar noise? The video will also show how he fixed the issue, but there are other stories online where people simply took out the broken fan and installed a small Noctua fan on top of the heatsink.

    You could also take a pic of your motherboard or a video for us to take a look at. Some poster on Reddit said your board is almost the same as the one behind the link below.

  • XBGxmer
    XBGxmer Member Posts: 15


    I've noticed that it hasn't been doing it as often, if not at all. Occasionally, the fans will speed up, but they quickly slow down again and it doesn't lag. If the issue starts happening again, I'll make sure to try what it mentioned above.