Acer Nitro 5, AN517-52-52T3 Three (3) beeps, repeating and nonstop

Matt42_In_AZ Member Posts: 6


edited July 2023 in Nitro Gaming

I have an Acer Nitro 5, AN517-52-52T3. (Do you need the serial number?) It was manufactured in 2020. I have upgraded to 64 g RAM with Crucial sticks. It is using a higher-capacity power supply cord. It has developed a nonstop, repeating 3 beep warning. There is usually a short pause between the 3 beeps. Sometimes the pause is a little longer. Everything seems to be working normally. What is this problem (or warning) and how can I fix it? I plan to open it up soon to upgrade the 513g SSD to a 4 tb SSD, so if it is dust or a need to reseat the RAM, I can do it then.

Thank you.

[Edited the thread to add model name to the title]

Best Answer

  • StevenGen
    StevenGen ACE Posts: 13,514 Trailblazer
    edited July 2023 Answer ✓

    Those 3 beeps that repeat after a pause and occur when you power on your computer indicate a problem with the system memory. If these 3 beeps play and then don't stop as the computer starts mean that the BIOS was not restored and its corrupted hence and why you get the continual beeps. While some other programs may also have a three-beep sound, those that mean you need to take action and repair your computer will sound right as the computer operating system is turning on, and the tones will replay after a pause. The beeps will continue until the computer is powered off and will play again when it's on unless the problem is fixed.

    Also, where did you get the information that the Nitro AN517-52 model can have a max of 64GB total ram memory from? Acer quotes a max total of 32GB at max 2x 16GB DDR4-3200MHz at CL22 or DDR4-2666MHz type ram like listed below for the AN517-52 from its Acer SG, and those are the only capacity and spec ram modules that you should fit to this laptop. Fitting the 64GB kit causes problems as its not recommended by Acer, yes, I know that Intel specs quote for the 10Th Gen CPU range of CPUs for this laptop a Max Memory Sise of 128GB at DDR4-2933 but the Acer mainboard and Comet Lake PCH-H chipset is not compatible with 64GB ram and causes problems.

    Compatible Ram Memory types

    Note: If you got the information from the Crucial memory scan and bought Crucial ram, then return the ram as you need to remove the 64GB kit that you fitted and only fit the above Acer listed ram that is compatible with the Nitro 5 AN517-52 model.


  • StevenGen
    StevenGen ACE Posts: 13,514 Trailblazer
    edited July 2023 Answer ✓

    Those 3 beeps that repeat after a pause and occur when you power on your computer indicate a problem with the system memory. If these 3 beeps play and then don't stop as the computer starts mean that the BIOS was not restored and its corrupted hence and why you get the continual beeps. While some other programs may also have a three-beep sound, those that mean you need to take action and repair your computer will sound right as the computer operating system is turning on, and the tones will replay after a pause. The beeps will continue until the computer is powered off and will play again when it's on unless the problem is fixed.

    Also, where did you get the information that the Nitro AN517-52 model can have a max of 64GB total ram memory from? Acer quotes a max total of 32GB at max 2x 16GB DDR4-3200MHz at CL22 or DDR4-2666MHz type ram like listed below for the AN517-52 from its Acer SG, and those are the only capacity and spec ram modules that you should fit to this laptop. Fitting the 64GB kit causes problems as its not recommended by Acer, yes, I know that Intel specs quote for the 10Th Gen CPU range of CPUs for this laptop a Max Memory Sise of 128GB at DDR4-2933 but the Acer mainboard and Comet Lake PCH-H chipset is not compatible with 64GB ram and causes problems.

    Compatible Ram Memory types

    Note: If you got the information from the Crucial memory scan and bought Crucial ram, then return the ram as you need to remove the 64GB kit that you fitted and only fit the above Acer listed ram that is compatible with the Nitro 5 AN517-52 model.

  • Matt42_In_AZ
    Matt42_In_AZ Member Posts: 6


    I will see about updating the BIOS. As to the 64 GB, that information came from the Crucial computer scan program. This is what is running on my machine? Should I swap out to two 16 GB sticks? And if I do, could that solve the three beep problem? Thank you.

  • Matt42_In_AZ
    Matt42_In_AZ Member Posts: 6


    More confusion from a newbie. The 64 GB of RAM (from Crucial) has been installed for about a year. The three-beep is recent, as in 30 days, maybe more. Would the memory in the screen captures work? I am not succeeding in finding RAm using those exact spec. numbers. Intuition tells me it will, but intuition is fallible! Thanks.

  • Matt42_In_AZ
    Matt42_In_AZ Member Posts: 6


    Update: I downgraded from 64gb of RAM to 32gb of ram. The frequency of the repeating beep-beep-beep is greatly diminished. With that success behind me, I upgraded the storage from 512gb to 2 tb on a partitioned Kingston NVMe SSD.

  • Dnix
    Dnix Member Posts: 4 New User

    HI, I also have this laptop, and acer tool messed up my vbios. Would you be able to take a GPU-Z backup of your vbios and upload to texhpowerup?