Acer Aspire TC-895 whenever I am browsing around and maybe watching a video everything little slow.

Zemoglis Member Posts: 6


Okay, here goes!

I have a Acer TC-895 (Copied from the thingy place where the info is)
By now you should know “I KNOW NOTHING” about computers.
(I can barley spell the word computer!)

I know I have an El Cheapo computer but it is what it is!

Device name DESKTOP-KLID466

Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-10400 CPU @ 2.90GHz 2.90 GHz

Power Supply 300w

Installed RAM 32.0 GB (31.9 GB usable)

System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor

Pen and touch No pen or touch input is available for this display

Edition Windows 10 Home


Installed on ‎4/‎1/‎2021

OS build 19044.2604

Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.4190.0

Graphic Card UHD 630

Monitor WH32UX9019

The question is, whenever I am browsing around and maybe watching a video everything get a little slow.
The mouse gets somewhat jerky.

If I’m looking at Google Earth and photos of maps at the same time to do some comparison, it’s slow and will sometimes lock up until I close a tab or two.

I don’t play games but after reading some stuff online, will a new graphics card with a 500w power supply help or what are my options. AND if so, what do you recommend?

PLEASE, if you respond I know it will be hard for you to bring it down to my uneducated level in computers but, please explain it like you are explaining it to a 10 year old.


[Edited the thread to add issue detail]


  • Larryodie
    Larryodie Member Posts: 1,825 Community Aficionado WiFi Icon

    What is the hard drive size and type ?

    How much ram are you using per Task Mananger
    Task Manager is the key for viewing process's, ram useages etc.

    Post your internet speed from SPEEDSMART or SPEAKEASY OR SPEEDTEST

    Location and other devices could be comprimising your interenet bandwidth.

    Go to Task Manager and un-able all your programs in start up.

    Be patient too as you can trying to see more than you can watch. YouTube and Google Earth can be demanding

  • Zemoglis
    Zemoglis Member Posts: 6


    Thanks for some info!

    Hard drive shows 475gb with 394 free

    I also have 2 external hard drives connected.
    Shows 232gb, 22.2 free
    Shows 931gb, 673 free

    As for ram usage per task mgr, ummm I have no idea how to know!

    AT&T U-verse Speedtest Result


    PING 33 Ms
    JITTER 9.94 Ms
    DOWNLOAD 117.3 Mbps
    UPLOAD 118.7 Mbps


    PING 42 ms
    JITTER 36.9 ms
    DOWNLOAD 106.5 Mbps
    UPLOAD 123.4 Mbps

    And lastly, all start-ups have been disabled……..


  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,498 Trailblazer

    In Task Manager with the Performance tab selected show us a picture of what you see. We are interested mostly in this portion:

    Click on "Like" if you find my answer useful or click on "Yes" if it answers your question.
  • Zemoglis
    Zemoglis Member Posts: 6


    OK, I took a couple screenshots!

    So the first 2 screenshots are when the computer is at idle.

    This shot is of when playing a youtube video if it makes a difference…

  • Larryodie
    Larryodie Member Posts: 1,825 Community Aficionado WiFi Icon

    Your down load speed looks GOOD and upload speed indicates fiber optic , memory looks great.

    I'd disconnect the external hard drives as a test .

    Do you see any processes being run in the background per task manager ?

    You may have an unwanted virus scanner using up CPU time ?

    You're are blessed with RAM.

  • Zemoglis
    Zemoglis Member Posts: 6


    Here is a few screenshots of the background stuff.

    A bunch of the same “Service Host stuff” in between these screenshots

    And then this last page

  • Larryodie
    Larryodie Member Posts: 1,825 Community Aficionado WiFi Icon

    ACCStd ??

    Seems to be an Acer program.

    I'd disable it but I'm confused as to how to do it ?

  • Zemoglis
    Zemoglis Member Posts: 6



    I just right clicked and ended task…
    I'll see how it goes.

    BUT to answer my intial question:

    Would it speed up my computer if I added changed the power supply from 300 to 500 and add a bigger grapic card.

    If so, any recommendation?

  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,498 Trailblazer

    Acer Care Center, it should only give heavy usage like that for a while while it's checking for updates. You aren't going to see any performance change with a different power supply. You will see one with a different GPU, but only when running GPU specific tasks, like gaming or video/image editing. I'm not seeing that type of need in the screen shots shown, it won't make such of a difference for streaming video or watching downloaded video files. I do think the external drives might be a factor, try running without them. They tend to use up USB resources, and your network card sits on an internal USB connection. If Windows is set to index the external drives there will be a fair amount of access…

    Click on "Like" if you find my answer useful or click on "Yes" if it answers your question.
  • Zemoglis
    Zemoglis Member Posts: 6


    Thanks for the response.

    I have already unplugged the external hard drives.
    I will see what happens.

    Thanks to you guys!