SF314-71-77W5. App craching all the time

trepqa89 Member Posts: 3 New User
edited February 2023 in Swift and Spin Series


I bought a SF314-71-77W5.

I have Windows 11 installed and a app called Huawei Theme Studio force closes all the time.

I get this message from event log:

Crash log: The error occurred in the program named: ThemeStudio.exe, version 11.301.0.0, timestamp 0x60ac1179
, the error occurred in the module named: ThemeStudio.exe, version 11.301.0.0, timestamp 0x60ac1179
Exception code: 0xc0000409
Felförskjutning: 0x0000000002eaad23
Process ID: 0x0x1A88
Program start time: 0x0x1D946ABD79D5DF0
Path to program: C:\Users\adria\AppData\Local\Programs\ThemeStudio\ThemeStudio.exe
Path to module: C:\Users\adria\AppData\Local\Programs\ThemeStudio\ThemeStudio.exe
Rapport-ID: f0a688d7-28ce-49ba-8b54-c212862e2b0e
Full name of incorrect package:
Program ID relative to the malformed package

I use Huawei Theme Studio on other computer with Windows 11 and no issues there.

[Edited the thread to add the issue detail]
