Would it be okay if I replace my 240hz helios 300 (PH315-53) with a 144hz lcd?

Tadashi Member Posts: 9


My laptop screen suddenly have this problem (shown on the image). What happen is, I turned on my laptop from sleep mode then suddenly my screen corrupts then no display. I tried connecting it on my TV and it works perfecly just fine. Everytime that the screen will corrupt/blink the predator logo at the back also turned on and off that’s why I’m thinking maybe it’s just a loosed connection since if the LCD is broken the predator logo at the back will remain turned-on during the duration of use. I already brought it on a technician and they basically told be that it’s for replacement but I’m still not convice since they didn’t open the laptop and check for my concern. I’m now wondering if I can just replace my 240hz lcd with a 144hz one since it’s a lot cheaper (almost 2x) then buy a new monitor with a 240hz display.

Btw most of the time, I do not play using my laptop screen. I use another monitor which is only 144hz. I also have an option not to replace the lcd and just buy a monitor but that’s just basically removing the portability of my laptop since I need it for my work and studies.
