Predator 7000 - PO7- 640 question about RAM

NeoGeo Member Posts: 157 Skilled Fixer WiFi Icon
edited December 2022 in Predator Desktops

Will this work ?

Don't really mind if it don't run at full speed or allows xmp, as i want it for the aesthetics, can't find any Predator branded RAM at the 4800mhz of the stock ones.

[Edited the thread to add issue detail]

Best Answer


  • brummyfan2
    brummyfan2 ACE Posts: 28,726 Trailblazer
    Answer ✓


    They may or may not work mainly because of the thickness, you may find it difficult to install them due to the heatsinks in them, your recommended memory frequency is 4400MHz but Crucial advertises up to 5600MHz as compatible, so the frequency will be fine but I am not sure they will physically fit in the slots.

    Acer Predator Orion PO7-640 | Memory RAM & SSD Upgrades | Crucial UK

  • NeoGeo
    NeoGeo Member Posts: 157 Skilled Fixer WiFi Icon

    Thanks brummyfan2,

    appreciate it - although i'm still so tempted to import them and give it a try lol

  • You are welcome, yes, Amazon are very good with returns, so no harm in trying, if they don't work you can return them.

  • StevenGen
    StevenGen ACE Posts: 13,520 Trailblazer
    edited December 2022

    Just in addition and a suggestion to you, do the Crucial system scan or look at this scan of theirs for the Acer Predator Orion PO7-640 RAM & SSD Upgrades as that will give you other options that Crucial guarantee to work with their scans. Also make sure that you have the last bios update the Version: R01-A4 Date: 2022/08/11 installed but be careful when you do a bios update as you need to follow all the appropriate bios update procedures as there is a danger as Acer warns users "Upgrading your system BIOS incorrectly could harm your Acer product. Please proceed with caution".

  • NeoGeo
    NeoGeo Member Posts: 157 Skilled Fixer WiFi Icon

    Hi StevenGen,

    Thanks alot for the additional information - i've already done the R01-A4 bios update sucessully, i've currently got some Acer frostblades ( for the AIO radiator ) incoming to replace my Noctua A12s although the Nocs are considered as some of the best, i'm trying my best to keep this build as 'predator' as possible hence going for the Predator branded RAM over crucials own.

    This does seem like uncharted terrority as hours of searching and i yielded no results in terms of someone using these particular modules on the PO7-640, so it will be interesting to see how the system responds - i would consider swapping out the Motherboard as a last resort to a ROG one.

    Lastly i see these support ARGB sync, would these sync to the current motherboard? - all my other ARGB thus far has synced nicely but they are going through the ASUS controller i've got installed.

  • chugzilla
    chugzilla Member Posts: 730 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon

    that's interesting I've never seen acer branded ram besides in pictures of their older desktops i wonder if the rgb lighting would work in the new desktops or at all and very odd they make this unless it was and or is for older desktops because why wouldn't they include it in the new ones we all have lol and i have had 2 of the new desktops one had to go back defective but one had hynix and the other samsung memory anyways I'm happy with my crucial 4800 MHz memory it works flawless !!@!!

  • NeoGeo
    NeoGeo Member Posts: 157 Skilled Fixer WiFi Icon

    Totally agree, i kind of stumbled on them as i was looking for the old predator branded heatsink versions of DD5, here's the website

    I actually got another 2 sticks of 16gb DDR5 @4800 for 64gb RAM - i was under the impression that 4 sticks would run at 4400mhz ( thanks to the user manual ) however it quickly became apparent that they will only run @2000mhz with no xmp available, i ran some benchmarks and i'm currently playing Witcher 3 next gen which had clearly dropped a significant amount of fps - so had to remove those sticks and put them into the Aurora R13, i also used your posts as reference so thanks for that.

    So despite that failure, i decided to repaste both the CPU and GPU with MX-6 to see how temps are, and the 3090 (overclocked) has dropped from around 40 degrees C to 32.7C and CPU is idling at 24-25C with turbo mode on , both staying cool in AUTO fan mode without using the game preset, so it's quiet too, thought i'd mention that for anyone looking to dissipate more heat.