The P03-620 upgrades I've made, This fan change made huge difference for my temperatures and noise



  • SkwibblyScrewer
    SkwibblyScrewer Member Posts: 3 New User
    GotBanned said:
    Hi and good to hear about the temps!

    Did you need to remove those tiny WiFi cables (black and white) from the WiFi card? Sounds like at least one cable might be loose. When the tiny cable is properly connected, you will hear and feel a "click".

    Those connectors are so tiny and fragile, in other words pain in the derriere, so be extra careful.

    EDIT: Found this while googling "Acer bad wifi". May not help you, but...

    "Ok.....I found out what the problem was. It was the Predator Sense smartphone app. When I un-paired Predator Sense from the iPhone app (and deleted said app) my WIFI speeds went back up to what it should be.

    This is a shame because it was very useful to control Predator Sense from my phone - not at the expense of WiFi speed though."
    I didn't touch these wires while changing the cooler. Aren't they soldered to the card? If not I'll take a look at them if one of them came loose while changing the cooler.

    Thanks for the help!
  • frankøww
    frankøww Member Posts: 27 Enthusiast WiFi Icon
    edited January 2024
    allll Predator Sense [Edited Sensitive content]

    [Edited the thread to hide sensitive content]
  • SkwibblyScrewer
    SkwibblyScrewer Member Posts: 3 New User

    Hi and good to hear about the temps!

    Did you need to remove those tiny WiFi cables (black and white) from the WiFi card? Sounds like at least one cable might be loose. When the tiny cable is properly connected, you will hear and feel a "click".

    Those connectors are so tiny and fragile, in other words pain in the derriere, so be extra careful.

    EDIT: Found this while googling "Acer bad wifi". May not help you, but...

    "Ok.....I found out what the problem was. It was the Predator Sense smartphone app. When I un-paired Predator Sense from the iPhone app (and deleted said app) my WIFI speeds went back up to what it should be.

    This is a shame because it was very useful to control Predator Sense from my phone - not at the expense of WiFi speed though."

    *UPDATE*: I went back to look at my PO3-620 and looked at each and every cable that the PC has. Turns out that, somehow during the install, I've shook loose one of the connection the wires go through at the top of the case (There is the WiFi cables within them!!!). So, I pressed the connection until I heard a *click* and since I did that, the WiFi is up and running again! Man does it feel great to fix your own machine lol!
  • Watty48
    Watty48 Member Posts: 2 New User
    Hey, thanks for sharing! I have once question - With the CPU Cooler did you have to remove the motherboard and change the bracket? I need to get a new CPU cooler but don't want to take off the motherboard etc. If you could let me know if this works without removing it that would be great.

    My specs (incase needed)

    i7 11700f
    GTX 3070

  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,617 Trailblazer
    Look here for the threads talking about the Noctua coolers...
    Click on "Like" if you find my answer useful or click on "Yes" if it answers your question.
  • dancingpianofairy
    dancingpianofairy Member Posts: 1 New User
    P03-600 here and I did the Part 2: CPU cooler upgrade as shown here and everything was the same, worked like a charm. This was my first hardware service and I consider myself quite the n00b on these things, but it took me 35-40 minutes to do. My temps while gaming went from 74-75 to 67. All fans, including CPU, at 100% went from 68dB to 52dB (why it needed replacing). Anyway, highly recommend. Case fans next!
  • Wentix27
    Wentix27 Member Posts: 27 Enthusiast WiFi Icon
    Awesome tutorial thanks! I have chosen the noctua u9s chromax. 92mm, really simple install but i was in a tricky situation because in my city we didn't have M3x12MM anywhere, so i did buy 3Mx10MM and it worked aswell! Temps are really good! Before while i was playing Warzone Rebirth i had temps like 85 / 95 Celcius... Now when installed the Noctua the temps are under 60 celcius! ( You need remove predatorsense and reinstall it) And i changed MachineType in predatorsense config file to 7 when its normally 5 for me, so i can change my cpu cooler speed, i can turn it up 100% and won't here it! Thanks @MassiveMonkey66
  • ENiGMa90
    ENiGMa90 Member Posts: 1 New User
    what about the warranty? is lost with the modification of the CPU Cooler
  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,617 Trailblazer
    @ENiGMa90 warranty is dependent on your locale, each country has their own warranty requirements. Some allow this type of modification, some allow things not touched by the modification to have a warranty, some lose the warranty as soon as you do the mod.
    Click on "Like" if you find my answer useful or click on "Yes" if it answers your question.
  • Licinius
    Licinius Member Posts: 2 New User
    Hello ladies and gents, 

    I'm going to show my fan upgrades made to my 620 with pictures, I've tried making it as simple as possible with everything I used. Scroll down if you want to get straight to the CPU cooler change

    PART 1: Exhaust Fan 

    (Ignore the dust please lol, I cleaned it after I was finished) First thing was swapping the exhaust fan, this fan made a lot of noise and to the point of it driving me crazy. I bought a Noctua NF-A9. Noctua NF-A9 PWM, Premium Quiet Fan, 4-Pin (92mm, Brown) : Computers & Accessories. This was a fairly easy swap and it's the one thing I didn't have many photos for unfortunately but it isn't too tricky. Unplug the plug you see going from the fan to the motherboard then from what I recall there's another wire to unplug on the opposite end. Just follow the wire from the fan and you'll see the second plug the needs to be removed. The only trick part about this was the plastic keeping the wires managed. I personally just cut the cable management wraps and replaced them with new ones. 

    Here's the Noctua. It looks a little slanted but that's just the way I was holding the camera. I used the screws that came with the Noctua, if you somehow don't have the screws, the screws from the original fan will work. 

                                                                                                                                    Part 2: CPU Cooler

    So the CPU Cooler I bought was the Noctua NH-U9S. Noctua NH-U9S, Premium CPU Cooler with NF-A9 92mm Fan (Brown) : Computers & Accessories 

    So this was my first time ever removing a CPU cooler since this is my first ever gaming PC. I was a little nervous but now that I've did it I realised I was worrying for no reason. It's really easy, though I got help by reading a lot of forums on here. So, first I unscrewed the silver screws completely removing the cooler from the motherboard. 

     I then cleaned off the thermal paste using Akasa TIM wipes Akasa TIM Wipes | Thermal Paste Remover | Citrus-based Solvent | 10pcs | Tech for Techs Recommended | AK-TCW-02 | Ideal for CPU, GPU, Heatsink and Chipset : Computers & Accessories. These wipes worked really well, one was enough for me to remove pretty much all of the paste, then I just used a paper towel just to remove an extra grease.  

      I then placed these over each of the 4 pins surrounding the CPU. These come with the CPU cooler. 

    I then attached the bracket that also came with the Noctua cooler using M3x12MM Screws. sourcing map M3x12mm Flat Head Machine Screws, Phillips Cross Screw, 304 Stainless Steel, Fasteners Bolts 50Pcs : DIY & Tools. After attaching the two brackets I applied the thermal paste that came with the cooler. Noctua NT-H1 3.5g, Pro-Grade Thermal Compound Paste (3.5g) : HEINO: Computers & Accessories. I used the dot method, I used about a pea sized amount of thermal paste. 

    I then screwed the radiator onto the brackets, you will see in the middle of the bracket where to screw the radiator onto. Screw firmly but obviously don't screw in too hard. 

     Then clip the fan onto the radiator. I attached the fan so the wire coming out of the fan was facing the motherboard first, but I felt as though it was causing stress on the wire so I switched it to the way it looks here. Also, I was surprised that the fan could fit without my RAM blocking it. Though it doesn't matter for me since I'll be switching to two 16gb sticks next instead of 4 sticks of 8GB. 

      So, here it is. It all worked! This fan change made a hugeeeeeeee difference for my temperatures and noise. I wish I has screenshots of my temps before and after but I forgot (sorry) but my CPU temperatures went down by a huge 20-25% during most games I play. My next task will be replacing the front fan but that's another task for another day! If anybody sees this, I hope this helped. 

    Hello Sir!

    First of all, sorry for my bad english, not my main language.

    I need to say THANK YOU VERY MUCH for that information about your upgrade, it help me a lot.
    After i searching in the internet for over 1 week, i found this post.

    I have a other Modell, its the PO3-600, but everything what you did, works pretty well to mine.
    The only thing i need to change is, the Noctua Fan, because it doesnt spin if you have Predator Sense on "Auto", only if you change that.
    So i read about Be Quiet should work fine.

    Again, Really Thank you for that Help.

    Maybe you can Answer me a Question, because i found nothing about it... or maybe some other User...

    I want to change the Front Fan too, but i didnt open the Case yet... but i think, i see in a manual, thats not a normal Fan, it have his screws on top and bottom, only 2 of them. Anybody know, what Fan i can place there, because i dont know if there are 4 holes for a other Fan.

    Thanks <3
  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,617 Trailblazer
    The front system fan is held in place with a bracket that only uses one screw to hold in place.
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  • Jocelyn59
    Jocelyn59 Member Posts: 1 New User
     In terms of noise, changing the exhaust fan did help a lot. But I am finding that the front fan could be a little quieter with set fan speeds. My temps are staying low with the front fan being set on auto, which is pretty silent. But they can get loud if you want to set a fan speed at 60% or higher from PredatorSense. At the moment with my current fan changes, I'm happy with the results for temps and noise 
    Thank you for sharing. Thank you forum for giving me more knowledge every day ^^
  • Filoulapoule45
    Filoulapoule45 Member Posts: 7


    Followed you steps and we succesfully drop the cPU temp by 20C while gaming.

    Here is what and how we did it: (2129) Guide d'installation du ventilateur Noctua NH-U9S sur un PC gamer - YouTube

    You can activate English subtitles to help you follw the steps.

  • Filoulapoule45
    Filoulapoule45 Member Posts: 7


    edited September 2022

    Happy Gamer!

  • ChazTheOG
    ChazTheOG Member Posts: 7


    I’ve gone through all of these comments and the post of how to replace the cpu cooling fan, but I have ordered the NH-D9L fan, will that be an issue or will it fit just the same as the NH-U9S? And again I’m completely new to upgrading or fitting new things to my pre built pc, but also where do I apply the thermal past and also does the thermal paste wipes come with my cpu cooling fan?

    appreciate anyone who can help me out with my questions. :)

  • ChazTheOG
    ChazTheOG Member Posts: 7


    And also my PC is the P03-630

  • GotBanned
    GotBanned Member Posts: 654 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon
    edited November 2022


    There should not be any problems. I used the same cooler on my 620, but it does fit and work just as well with 630. Take a look HERE. Don't forget to use those standoffs/fat washers and you'll be fine.

    After removing the old cooler, wipe the CPU heatspreader clean with tissue or cloth. Some use isopropyl alcohol but it is not a must. There is no need to remove the CPU from it's socket.

    Before installing your new cooler, apply a drop of thermal paste in the middle of the CPU. There are many videos how to do this on youtube.

    One more thing. Important thing is to apply equal force when tightening the cooler in place.

  • ChazTheOG
    ChazTheOG Member Posts: 7


    Thank you very much!

    this has helped me a lot and will update my progress when my cooler fan arrives :) another silly question but I’m guessing the washers will come with the fan? And is there any particular thermal paste that works better than others or? Thank you for your help !

  • GotBanned
    GotBanned Member Posts: 654 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon

    No worries! We are here to help. ^^

    Washers are included, so that is one less thing to worry about. But I think that you'll need those "machine screws" mentioned in these threads about cooler upgrades. Any hardware store should have them.

    Thermal paste brand is totally up to you. Even something like MX-4, which has been in production for many years, is more than good enough. There is no need to get anything too fancy and expensive.

    YT has many tutorials how to apply the paste and secure the cooler in place. I'm sure you'll do fine. I remember seeing one installation tutorial on this forum, where a young French kid installed Noctua on his cooler and it all turned out very well.

  • ChazTheOG
    ChazTheOG Member Posts: 7


    Thank you very much, a lot of unneeded stress has dropped haha, I should be receiving my Fan next couple of days and will probably go through it all on here :) I don’t know much about thermal paste so I’ll stick with getting the mx-4, i too watched that video of the young French kid!

    anyways thank you for all your help!