[ACER Aspire A315-41G] How to get Insyde v1.18 Advanced BIOS?

minx Member Posts: 3 New User
edited August 2022 in Aspire Laptops

Can I ask some help about how to unlocked the advanced bios of this?

I've been trying several methods on the internet regarding the same about Insyde BIOS.

Lately, I found out that you can access an alternative way to go to bios by rebooting the laptop into UEFI Firmware Settings at Advanced Startup Option on Windows, then hold Fn + Tab.

However, it doesn't seem to have any changes to the options after all.

Is there a way to access the advanced bios of this? My purpose is not to overclock my CPU or anything harmful but rather to just increase my VRAM because I can't access several games properly because of that despite having a 16gb dual channel RAM.


  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,218 Trailblazer

    The only hidden BIOS options officially available to the user are revealed by pressing Ctrl+S in each BIOS tab or page. However, your model uses a GPU with dedicated 1GB or 2GB VRAM, that is not shared from regular RAM. Since video games and editing programs will automatically use this dedicated VRAM, you will not benefit from regular RAM because it is NOT shared by this GPU. Sorry.

    Jack E/NJ

  • minx
    minx Member Posts: 3 New User
    edited August 2022

    Actually I will might do benefit from it. While I may not really gain a significant improvement on FPS or performance alike, I might play a more supported games with lesser bugs and more performance. My model was Acer A315-41G-R4BW where the iGPU is a much more stronger than the dedicated GPU which is quite ironic. The game I was talking about earlier was Genshin Impact. My performance between my iGPU and dedicated GPU is practically the same but I upgraded earlier to 16gb, so my iGPU is much stronger now. I do have a problem in this game specifically because of the render distance. This was ok back on its first release, very optimized but after its update and two years from now this became the problem and there is no hope for a low performance laptop like mine wishing it to be supported in their further updates.

    The reason is that GI sees my iGPU (RX Vega 8), as only having with 1gb VRAM, so it really looks like this... The render distance was short making the terrains from afar really looks ugly.

    Compared to my dGPU (Radeon 535) that has a 2gb VRAM...

    (Both applied with Radeon Image Sharpening at 100%)

    From a game that is focused on aesthetics towards nature and characters, this looks disgraceful for me. The game plays at around 30-50 fps at 30W TDP for me, so its pretty fine enough.

    While they do run at the same amount of memory combined from its shared counterpart to the RAM to this game (around 1.5gb), it is just that the game itself doesn't want to have the proper render distance to my iGPU. So, my only solution was hopefully to unlock the advanced bios of my laptop and increase the VRAM of my iGPU at around 2gb despite it being used from the regular RAM. At least I can show it to the game that my iGPU has that amount of memory and fix this problem.

    I am gonna test the tip you just gave to me thank you very much.

  • minx
    minx Member Posts: 3 New User
    edited August 2022

    Update: It doesn't work but it did show 2 hidden options (Touchpad & SATA Type) anyway though you can't even modify it. Should I restart it and go to BIOS again so I can access the Advanced Options? In what way?

  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,218 Trailblazer

    Sorry, no. It will be the same when you re-enter the BIOS. The hidden options will be hidden again until you press Ctrl+S again. While doubtful, you might get more hidden option Ctrl+S functionality by setting and saving a BIOS supervisor password. Then exiting and re-entering the BIOS with the password. But without undocumented or unofficial mods, the percentage shared RAM with the iGPU seems to be fixed. Offhand, I don't recall seeing any max higher than 10%. Most seem to be 5% or less.

    Jack E/NJ