Intel HD Graphics 630 (any version), the display black during mid-installation

Nitro5Rigger Member Posts: 28 Enthusiast WiFi Icon
Upon installing Intel HD graphics driver 630(any version), the display turns black during mid-installation. On black screen I had to force shutdown my laptop and upon restarting the screen stuck at acer logo screen post bios and remains there like forever.

The only solution is to enter safe mode and disable Intel graphics device (not driver) from device manager. Then on restarting, the display automatically shifts to Nvidia and works fine but OpenGL programs (Blender, Paraview, etc.) are crashing on startup, even 3D rendering software are not displaying 3D objects. I have tried selecting from nvidia control panel: global and program settings to specific programs but the issue still remains.

I have tried manufacturer's driver from acer website (this), Intel latest driver (this) and even the beta version, and had no breakthrough. Also tried the compatibility troubleshooter with Windows 8 and Windows 7, none of them worked. 
OpenGL version is showing 1.1, which is not enough for the 3D rendering programs to work.
please anyone, I have been searching everywhere for a solution. Help :(
I have attached intel report, device info from acer, dxdiag and glview report.
