Predator Sense Isnt working PT515-52

CowbotFabs Member Posts: 3 New User
edited May 2022 in Predator Laptops
Guys, driving me nuts, my predato sense stopped working when i installed windows 11, uninstalled and reinstalld pred sense thinking hat wouls solve, I have reinstalled windows 10 as the lady on the phon from Acer suggested and i still get a ''Sorry! Computer incompatible'' message when  try to reinstall pred sense. any help would be appreciated

{Thread was edited to add model name to the title}


  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,176 Trailblazer
    It might help if you could reveal your predator model number. There are dozens of predator laptops and desktop models. Makes it hard to guess which one you have.

    Jack E/NJ

  • CowbotFabs
    CowbotFabs Member Posts: 3 New User
    yeah mate i think its the PT515-52
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,176 Trailblazer
    >>>my predator sense stopped working when i installed windows 11>>>

    Yeah.  Well, you should've gotten a Microsoft warning that all the OEM stuff --- aka ACER proprietary stuff --- might not work as expected --- or might not work at all under Win11 until the OEM stuff is updated for Win11.

    So Microsoft says blame ACER for not updating the ACER stuff that doesn't work under Win11. And ACER says blame Microsoft for tricking you into believing our ACER stuff is ready for Win11 when it obviously isn't.

    So what's a loyal Microsoft and ACER customer --- like CowbotFabs ---- whose left holding the bag ---- supposed to do?

    Three choices at this point.

    (1) You can patiently wait --- and then maybe patiently wait some more --- for the ACER Win11 sense updates for the PT515-52 model to appear at this download  link.

    (2) Open Win10 Control Panel programs. See if you can find Sense listed. Then uninstall it.  Shut Windows down normally. Then re-start and try re-installing the Win10 sense again from the same download site link. 

    (3) Or you can impatiently try a full erase everything ALT+F10 cold boot factory Win10 reset. This should return your machine's Win10 system to it's original out-of-the-box state when you first acquired the machine. This is somewhat akin to what the nice ACER lady on the phone suggested. But a more drastic recovery to get predator sense working again under Win10.

    If it was mine, I'd probably try #2 first. Then go from there.

    Jack E/NJ

  • StevenGen
    StevenGen ACE Posts: 12,687 Trailblazer
    Guys, driving me nuts, my predato sense stopped working when i installed windows 11, uninstalled and reinstalld pred sense thinking hat wouls solve, I have reinstalled windows 10 as the lady on the phon from Acer suggested and i still get a ''Sorry! Computer incompatible'' message when  try to reinstall pred sense. any help would be appreciated
    Try this community guide Predator Sense not working 
  • CowbotFabs
    CowbotFabs Member Posts: 3 New User
    cheers guys ill try that when i get some time!